Planned Parenthood Suffers Major Loss in Appellate Court
The homicidal maniacs at Planned Parenthood took a huge loss in a case involving the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s decision to terminate the death centers from the list of the state’s eligible Medicaid providers.
In 2015, undercover video was released showing that Planned Parenthood “doctors” in the state were profiting off of the sale of fetal tissue, which is highly illegal. For this reason, the state decided to nix Planned Parenthood from its Medicaid plans, and a lawsuit ensued.
The pro-choice crowd, backed by their friends in the mainstream press, claimed that the videos were “altered” or “doctored” in order to shift responsibility away from the merchants of death and onto those who filmed the illegal activity.
Thursday, Planned Parenthood lost on both claims – that the organization should not be removed from Texas’ Medicaid program, and that the videos were doctored – in a ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The ruling affirms the fact that it is within the rights of the state of Texas to drop Planned Parenthood from Medicaid. It also concluded that Planned Parenthood lied when it said that the videos were deceptively edited.
“[A] report from a forensic firm conclud[ed] that the video was authentic and not deceptively edited,” the ruling said.
Not only is the ruling a win for state’s rights, but also conclusively proves that Planned Parenthood officials broke the law in selling fetal tissue from abortions, which the organization has often denied.
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