Poland Stands Up to EU Globalists Backed By Soros

Poland is in the globalists’ crosshairs.

The George Soros-funded Stefan Batory Foundation has urged Brussels bureaucrats to ramp up their efforts to shove globalism down Poland’s throat. The Stefan Batory Foundation was founded by Soros in 1988 with the aim of transitioning Communist Poland into an “open society.”

The foundation released paper that praised the EU Commission’s efforts to impose its will over Poland under the guise of promoting “the rule of law”.

The EU’s campaign to undermine Poland’s sovereignty persists despite the growing backlash from Poles.

The foundation is now calling Brussels to double down on Poland, claiming that the fight for “judicial independence” was a vital ingredient for protecting “human rights” across the EU.

The Soros-backed NGO argues that the “battle for the rule of law in Poland… is effectively a battle for the survival of the EU.” For years, the Stefan Batory Foundation has worked to “prepare Polish society for refugees”, to “form positive attitudes towards” third world migration, and train thousands of professionals and officials to combat “prejudice” in addition to “hateful online comments”.

Poland’s conservative Law and Justice Party (PIS) has led the charge in opposing EU moves to violate member nations’ sovereignty.

PIS’s pro-national sovereignty platform has produced great results electorally, as it became the first party in the post-Communist era to win enough seats without needing a coalition in the 2015 elections. The PIS vowed to reverse the previous government’s pro-EU, pro-globalist agenda of resettling migrants into the country.

Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz and Hungarian Foreign Minister PĂ©ter StĂ­jjártĂł teamed up in a press conference where they reaffirmed their support for a pro-sovereignty Europe. They called out the EU political establishment for its attempts to ram open borders down EU member nations’ throats.

Poland has every reason to question EU migration policy. It has already turned into a social disaster for countries like France and the UK, with France recently joining the UK in embracing Big Brother to combat new crime waves.

Poland is an oasis of reason in a desert of political irrationality. For a nation to secure its liberties, it must have the right to be able to secure its borders.

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