POLL: More Voters Believe Donald Trump Cares More About the American People Than Joe Biden

According to a Rasmussen poll, 49% of likely United States voters agree with the assertion that “Donald Trump cares about people like me,” which includes 31% who strongly agree. 48% are in disagreement, which includes 39% who strongly disagree.

80% of Republican voters agree that Trump cares about people like them. By contrast, 75% of Democrat voters at least somewhat agree that Biden cares about people like them. 

66% of Republicans strongly disagree that Biden cares about them, whereas 64% of Democrat voters strongly disagree that Trump cares about them.

45% of independent voters at least somewhat agree that Trump cares about them and 37% at least somewhat agree that Biden cares about people like them. 

Among the voter constituency who strongly agree that Trump cares about people like them, 80% strongly disagree with the statement, “Joe Biden cares about people like me.”

50% of white voters, 39% of black voters, and 53% of non-black minorities at least somewhat agree that Trump cares about people like them. 43% of white voters, 60% of black voters, and 37% of non-black minorities at least somewhat agree that Biden cares about them.

As far as income categories are concerned, voters making over $200,000 annually are the most likely sub-section of the population that strongly agrees that Biden cares about them. 

On the other hand, voters making between $30,000 and $50,000 annually are most likely to strongly agree that Trump cares about them.

Biden is the president of the managerial class and rootless elites. While Trump is nominally the president of Middle Americans and working class constituencies. Unfortunately, the DC regime is decidedly in the tank for elites, irrespective of who is in charge of DC. 

A veritable regime change is needed for the US to be fully sorted out politically. 

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