POLL: Most Americans Want to Punish Businesses for Hiring Illegal Aliens

According to a poll conducted by Fox News, 64% of American voters want the federal government to punish and fine businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens for United States jobs. In effect, voters appear to give their endorsement for a national E-Verify policy. 

Just 32% are against such a policy whereas 4% of voters stated they were not sure. 

With respect to partisan breakdowns, 61% of swing voters indicated that they support national mandatory E-Verify in addition to 64% of self-identified moderates.

Curiously, 53% of Democrat voters are in favor of such a policy. With respect to Republican voters, nearly 80% of them indicated that they want to see mandatory E-Verify implemented on a national scale. 

There are countless businesses in the US with dubious ethical standards with respect to how they hire people. Mass migration is a godsend for these unscrupulous actors as it provides a seemingly endless stream of cheap labor. 

In fact, this process has become so embedded in the US, that quasi slave and indentured labor conditions have been brought back to the US thanks to several businesses’ addiction to cheap labor. 

At some point, the US government needs to stop thinking in purely economically reductionist terms and start implementing harsh policies against individuals and entities that promote civilization-destroying schemes such as mass migration. 

A nation is more than just an economic zone. It’s a people and place. And the only way to preserve it and bequeath it to future generations is by protecting its demographic core through immigration restriction.

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