POLL: Most Voters Demand More Accountability In Vote Counting Process

According to a Rasmussen poll, 41% of likely United States voters believe the Democratic Party is more effective at winning elections. By contrast, 17% of US voters believe Republicans are more effective when it comes to winning elections. 

33% stated both parties are about equally effective at winning elections and 10% are unsure. 

75% of voters believe it is important for parties to place observers in polling locations to ensure election results are fair and accurate, which includes 55% who stated it’s very important. 21% don’t believe election observers are important.

85% of Republican voters, 67% of Democrat voters, and 74% of independent voters indicated it’s at least somewhat important for parties to place observers in polling places to ensure election results are fair and accurate. 

58% of Democrat voters, 28% of Republican voters, and 35% of independent voters believe the Democratic Party is more effective at winning elections. 34% of Republican voters, 7% of Democrat voters and 9% of independent  voters believe the Republican Party is more effective at winning elections.

When it comes to race, 72% of white voters, 75% of black voters, 85% of Hispanic voters, and 76% of other non-white minorities indicated that it’s important for parties to place observers in polling locations.  

As far as income earners are concerned, individuals making over $200,000 annually are the most likely to believe Democrats are more effective at winning elections. Voters making less than $50,000 annually are most likely to indicate it’s very important for parties to have election observers at polling places.

Poll watchers are essential for the maintenance of election integrity. If such actors aren’t allowed to operate adequately, our elections will be forever tarnished.  

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