POLL: Three-Fourths of Americans Believe the Economy is in Bad Shape
According to a CBS News-YouGov poll released on June 26, 2022, three-fourths of Americans believe the current economy is in fairly bad or very bad shape.
In addition, this same poll highlighted that the majority of Americans are worried about being able to pay for daily expenses.
75% of Americans believe that the United States economy is in a fairly bad or worse state. Press TV noted that in April 63% of Americans held the same view.
There is somewhat of a partisan gap when it comes to the perspective of the economy. 9% of Republicans believe the economy is in at least a “fairly good” state. 36% of Democrats and 20% of independents indicated that the economy is at least fairly good.
These pessimistic views about the economy come against the backdrop of rising fuel, food, and housing costs.
For years, paleolibertarians have warned about DC’s toxic addiction to economic regulation and easy money. Now, the US is feeling the negative consequences of economic interventionism.
Right-wing populists should take these paleolibertarian concerns into account and incorporate them into their policy platforms. That way, they can pass policies that will make America great again and secure a popular electoral coalition for decades to come.
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