Pope Francis Doubles Down on Restrictions Against the Traditional Latin Mass
Pope Francis, the protector of pedophile priests, is launching new attacks against the traditional Latin mass.
Francis announced on Friday that he is cracking down against the celebration of certain sacraments in the Latin mass that he has deemed divisive toward his agenda of subverting the Catholic Church with his Marxist agenda.
“As pastors we must not lend ourselves to sterile polemics, capable only of creating division, in which the ritual itself is often exploited by ideological viewpoints,” said the prefect of the Vatican’s liturgy office, Archbishop Arthur Roche, in his address to the world’s bishops.
The new rules from Francis will make it more difficult for traditionalists to perform the sacraments of Baptism, Marriage and Anointing of the Sick according to the old rites of passage. It is no coincidence that Francis is doing this during the Christmas season, according to his critics within the church.
“Benedict XVI had brought peace to the church. An end to the liturgical wars,” the traditionalist blog, Rorate Caeli, told The Associated Press. “The current pope has chosen to reignite them. There is no logical reason for that. Just an underlying desire for division and violence.”
Joseph Shaw, who leads the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, said that the celebration of the traditional Latin mass “will become extremely difficult” under Francis’ new regime.
“This would drastically reduce the number of celebrations, and cause great pastoral harm,” he said.
Big League Politics has reported on Francis’ ongoing war against the traditional Latin mass:
“Pope Francis announced that he will be restricting the traditional Latin mass in his latest attack against on the Catholic faith.
Francis made the pronouncement in his latest motu proprio that it will be the “exclusive competence” of a diocesan bishop “to authorize the use of the 1962 Roman Missal in his diocese, according to the guidelines of the Apostolic See.” This will allow Francis’ goons to shut down the traditional Latin mass, which is gaining momentum at a time when the Catholic Church is dying amidst child rape scandals.
“The responses reveal a situation that preoccupies and saddens me, and persuades me of the need to intervene,” Francis wrote in a letter to bishops published on Friday that makes it clear the Pope wants Bishops to crush the traditional Latin mass.
“Regrettably, the pastoral objective of my predecessors, who had intended ‘to do everything possible to ensure that all those who truly possessed the desire for unity would find it possible to remain in this unity or to rediscover it anew,’ has often been seriously disregarded,” the Pope continued, adding that supporters of the traditional Latin mass have “exploited to widen the gaps, reinforce the divergences, and encourage disagreements that injure the Church, block her path, and expose her to the peril of division.”‘
Francis’ behavior is what is really causing division in the Catholic Church because he cares more about promoting globalism than fostering more believers in Christ.
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