Populist Champion Viktor Orban Calls on Europe to Break Free From the Woke United States

Earlier this week, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gave a speech before an Hungarian audience talking about the implications of the Russo-Ukrainian war. 

In the speech, Orban noted told the audience in Hungarian that “We will have to find a political solution to an almost impossible issue.  And we will have to bear all the financial burden of a settlement.“

Orban stressed that “Europe is impoverished and has no money for such an adventure [rebuilding Ukraine].”

In an X post where Orban’s PM account posted a clip of this speech, the prime minister said the following: 

“Europe cannot chain itself blindly to the United States. The US is an important ally, but we must stand up for the interests of the European people!”


The Hungarian foreign minister has stood out among his Western peers for his realist response to the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Orban has not been pro-Russia per se, but has acknowledged its security concerns and has worked to bring a halt to this conflict. The Hungarian government has largely taken de-escalatory measures such as opposing sanctions on Russia and further deployment of military aid to Ukraine. 

This foreign restraint, along with Orban’s championing of immigration restrictions and pro-family values policies, has earned him the ire of the NGO industrial complex. For that reason, the most fanatic globalist elements of the Collective West will do everything possible to derail his government.

Orban should maintain the course and stress Hungary’s need to drift away from the Brussels/DC/London axis. It’s the only way that Hungary can remain a rational, sovereign polity in this epoch of political insanity.

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