President Trump Preparing New Executive Order to Rescind DACA Amnesty After SCOTUS Decision

White House sources have indicated that President Donald Trump is planning on signing a new executive order to terminate President Obama’s DACA amnesty program this week.

The Supreme Court had thrown out an earlier executive order to terminate the program in a court ruling last month, terminating the federal drive to enforce American immigration laws on supposed procedural inadequacies.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows suggested that the President would soon sign a new executive order to terminate the amnesty program, while speaking on Fox and Friends on Monday morning. “Starting this week, you’ll see executive orders, you’ll see business that actually goes forward from the Oval Office when Congress doesn’t act.

The President has spoken openly of his intention to terminate DACA a second time after the Supreme Court’s arbitrary decision. The court’s ruling had established that the President has complete authority to terminate the amnesty for a selected population of almost a million illegal immigrants, expanded by President Obama without congressional approval in 2014.

The court’s own ruling will likely prevent the judicial branch from overthrowing a second DACA termination executive order, having admitted that the federal government has every right to terminate the program that was implemented on a whim.

Liberal billionaire oligarchs such as George Soros and Charles Koch continue to fund an influence campaign to maintain the amnesty order, hoping to secure a status quo of open borders and weak immigration laws with the hopes of delivering a broad pool of affordable labor for large businesses and the American elite.

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