President Trump Rejects U.S. Role as World’s Policeman, Tells Europe to Deal with ISIS Prisoners
President Donald Trump is sick of other nations forcing the United States to shoulder the burden of combating terrorism, and believes that his country should no longer be forced to take care of certain ISIS fighters taken as prisoners of war.
“I defeated the Caliphate,” Trump said to reporters during a meeting in the Oval Office with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.
“And now we have thousands of prisoners of war, ISIS fighters,” Trump added.
For defeating the Caliphate and cleaning up the mess of his predecessor, Trump believes that Europe – which had helped the incubation of ISIS with their lax border security policies – should be held accountable for the prisoners of war that came from their nation-states.
“We’re asking the countries from which they came, from Europe, we’re asking them to take back these prisoners of war,” Trump said. “And they can try them, do what they want.”
“So far, they’ve refused,” Trump added, pointing to France and Germany as two countries that are being especially non-compliant.
Trump is even willing to let the ISIS terrorists out at the border of these derelict countries throughout Europe, and then forcing their hapless globalist leaders to figure out what to do with them.
“And at some point, I’m going to have to say, ‘I’m sorry, but you either take them back or we’re going to let them go at your border,’ ” Trump said.
Trump has made it abundantly clear that his country will not waste billions of dollars on imprisoning these terrorists, as the U.S. has already done Europe’s dirty work for them by eliminating the ISIS Caliphate.
“Because the United States is not going to have thousands and thousands of people that we’ve captured stationed at Guantanamo Bay, held captive at Guantanamo Bay, for the next 50 years and us spending billions and billions of dollars,” Trump said.
While ISIS is still active internationally with rogue terrorist cells around the globe, the idea of a far-reaching centralized Caliphate – which former President Barack Hussein Obama said would present a “generational struggle” to the West as he shipped arms to the Muslim extremist organization – is no more because of the work of the Trump administration and their regional partners.
“We’ve done Europe a tremendous favor,” Trump said. “If they don’t take them back, we’re going to probably put them at the border and then they’ll have to capture them again.”
President Trump is aggressively pursuing his “America First” agenda with his tough talk toward Europe. Trump ran for the office in 2016 against the notion of empire-building and being the world’s policeman, and his stance on imprisoning ISIS fighters shows how he has departed from the foreign policy status quo.