Press Secretary Jean-Pierre Admits White House Has No Intention Of Finding Cocaine Culprit: ‘We’re Not Assisting In Anything’

For a moment, just imagine the media coverage if a bag of cocaine was found in Donald Trump’s White House. There would be 24/7 headlines about how dysfunctional the Trump family is, and you can be certain the media would be casting blame onto Don Jr. in a heartbeat.

This isn’t another conservative exercise of whataboutism, however, but instead, just another prime example of how incredibly backwards America’s coverage is when it comes to Republicans and Democrats.

Law enforcement’s unwillingness to investigate is icing on the cake.

To think anyone other than Hunter Biden is the true culprit in this story is outright nonsense at this point. 

All of the evidence points to him. And the fact the public will likely not receive answers makes the whole debacle all the more suspicious.

Especially with this video of Hunter Biden going viral:

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex,” conservative talk radio host and former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino said Wednesday. 

“No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those,” he added.

Per reports, a bag of cocaine was found on the White House premise. More specifically in the library; a room with 24-hour surveillance. 

To add insult to injury, the White House has no plans on investigating the matter further. Even though Hunter Biden is a known drug addict with a slew of problems that have all been well documented on his personal laptop.

“Could you just tell us how the White House is assisting the Secret Service in this investigation?” a reporter asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday. “Have you made any White House officials available for interviews with law enforcement, for example?” 

“Look, we’re not assisting in anything,” she responded. 

“This is under the Secret Service purview, this is their — their kind of — guidance and guidelines — their, uh, their world — and so, we’re going to let them do their job. Uh, we are not involved in this, this is something that the Secret Service, uh, handles under their protocol, and they’re going to, uh, investigate and get to the bottom of what happened this weekend,” she added.

“And we appreciate that,” she concluded.

When the White House won’t even put in the effort to close up a story like this, then the internet can only speculate as to what happened.

Nevertheless, this case is hardly a whodunnit.

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