Pro-Gun Organization Praises Donald Trump’s Selection Of J.D. Vance As Running Mate

On July 15, 2024, former President Donald Trump nominated Ohio Senator J.D. Vance to be his vice presidential candidate.
Such a move was praised by pro-organization, the National Association for Gun Rights. NAGR was initially worried about rumors concerning Florida Senator Marco Rubio being a potential VP pick for Trump. Rubio has a track record of supporting anti-gun legislation such as red flag gun confiscation orders.
However, NAGR breathed “sigh of relief” when news came that Trump selected Vance.
NAGR noted back in 2022 when Vance was running for the Ohio Senate seat, he filled out the pro-gun organization’s survey 100%.
Back in 2022 when Vance ran for Senate, he filled out our survey 100 percent.
The survey can be read below:
Since being elected in 2022, Vance has had a pro-gun voting record, and has repeatedly criticized gun control, which includes “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation orders and Universal Gun Registration.
On top of that, Vance has stood against ATF efforts to gain possession of millions of records of gun purchases made by law-abiding Americans.
“This database is ultimately a backdoor to a gun registry in this country,” stated Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. “And if you look at what liberals have done in Europe, what they’ve done in Australia, once you allow gun registry, you effectively allow the disarming of your citizenry.”
Vance is a solid addition to the Trump ticket. He not only shares a restrained foreign policy and economic nationalist vision, but he’s a solid pro-gun figure. America will need more unapologetic Second Amendment defenders in these trying times where political instability is becoming the norm and unhinged political actors are getting ready to dish out major damage.
This is one moment in American history where Americans should not be disarmed.