Pro-Second Amendment Organization Shuts Down Snowflake Candidate After He Tried to Pursue Legal Action

No compromise Second Amendment organization Texas Gun Rights was recently being threatened with legal action by candidate Justin Berry of Texas House District 47.

BLP reached out to National Association for Gun Right’s Deputy Field Director of Field Operations Chris McNutt for more insights. NAGR is the parent organization of TXGR.

McNutt provided BLP with several key points on the matter.

The pro-gun organization was running a standard issue discussion campaign but ran into trouble when McNutt pulled a number from Berry’s publicly available campaign finance report, which was his cell phone.

Berry is active law enforcement and tried to assert that Texas Gun Rights’ activism is illegal under Texas CCP 36.06.

Berry alleged that McNutt was “doxing” him, after he originally refused to return the Texas Gun Rights Candidate Survey and go on the record against radical gun control. At the time, TXGR send out a letter to voters in Berry’s district encouraging them to get Berry to return his survey.

He originally threatened legal action against McNutt. The pro-gun activist told BLP that “Berry is using his status  as a law enforcement officer to try and suppress the First Amendment.

Berry’s legal notice read as follows:

Per Texas CCP 36.06 this is your written notice to remove my personal cell phone and/ or address from any and all digital and written publications within 48 hours as of 1pm on June 20, 2020. I am a police officer and you have published my personal identifying information which can pose a danger to myself and/ or my family. I am requesting you to cease and remove all my personal information as required by law under Texas CCP 36.06.

However, Texas Gun Rights’ legal counsel David Warrington said that Berry had no legal standing.

Link to statute referenced:,individual%20or%20a%20member%20of

McNutt told BLP that Berry “made a stink about it all over social media too, accusing me of working for his opponent, doxing him, putting he and his family at harm, being salacious, felonious, and committing a criminal act. All of which are lies, as the attached letter from my attorney lays out.”

McNutt added:

It seems Berry is getting desperate in the final weeks of his campaign. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to get Abbott involved since he recently received his endorsement. And I’m not surprised Abbott endorsed him, because he likely doesn’t want any additional legislators pushing back against him if he ramps back up his “Gun Control Roadshow.” Lest we also forget about Abbott’s past tacit support for “Red Flag” laws in 2018.

TXGR PAC is now endorsing his opponent, Jennifer Fleck, who returned her candidate survey 100% pro-gun.

In the end, Berry has apparently backed down from his threats after TXGR responded with a letter in which they vowed to defend McNutt from any potential legal threats coming from Berry.

Nevertheless, this case demonstrates the importance of holding your ground when confronting candidates who are ready to abuse their power.

BLP has attached some of the materials (Legal notices and issue discussion letter) for readers to take a look at below:


Berry Campaign Report

Justin Berry Threat of Legal Action

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