Raging Leftist Confronts Tucker, Possible Ties To CIA
Last week while shopping at a Montana bait shop, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, known for hosting the world’s #1 cable news show, was confronted by an unhinged Leftist named Dan Bailey.
The video shows the angry man confronting Tucker very aggressively while he was out on a fly fishing trip.
“What you have done to this state, to the United States, to everyone else in this world … I don’t care that your daughter is here,” Bailey told Carlson. “What you have done to families, what you have done to everybody else in this world…”
Bailey also told Tucker he is “the worst human being known to mankind” for casting any kind of doubt on the COVID-19 vaccine, which is experimental and currently not approved by the FDA.
The left-wing advocate took to Instagram to gloat about the encounter, which blue checkmark accounts such as that of actor and comedian Margaret Cho commenting to express their approval.
Investigations conducted by Big League Politics have revealed that Dan Bailey appears to have worked at the Asia Foundation, which documents have suggested is a proprietor of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
According to Wikipedia, it was revealed in 1966 that the CIA was covertly funding a number of organizations, including the Asia Foundation.
Such connections to the CIA have drawn suspicion to many, as Tucker has confirmed that the National Security Administration (NSA) has been illegally spying on personal communications related to himself and his show.
While we cannot conclusively confirm that Bailey is tied to the CIA, the investigations do draw massive suspicions given the odd coincidences. The story will be updated as more information comes to light.