Rand Paul DEMANDS for the Fake News Media to Publish Identity of Deep State ‘Whistleblower’

President Donald Trump appeared in Kentucky on Monday night to promote the re-election campaign of Gov. Matt Bevin, the staunchly conservative Republican who faces tough Democratic opposition in Tuesday’s off-year election.
During the rally, President Trump briefly handed the podium to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who has emerged as Trump’s top ally on foreign affairs in Washington D.C. Paul talked about the latest witch hunt against the President and the new drive toward impeachment based upon his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Paul made adamant his belief that the whistleblower’s identity must be known, and challenged the fake news to actually do their jobs and expose his identity as well as his extensive ties to Democratic Party officials to the public.
“We also now know the name of the whistleblower. The whistleblower needs to come forward as a material witness because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarchs,” Paul said at the Kentucky rally on Monday night.
“I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name,” Paul said to the crowd as they erupted with cheers.
An attorney for the whistleblower claims that Paul is “betray[ing] the interests of the Constitution and the American people” for demanding accountability.
“A member of Congress who calls for the identity of any lawful whistleblower to be publicly revealed against their wishes disgraces the office they hold and betrays the interests of the Constitution and the American people,” attorney Mark Zaid told The Hill.
However, it has been revealed that the whistleblower is being given legal representation by lawyers with deep connections to Democratic Party leaders.
Zaid’s partner, Andrew Bakaj, worked for Sens. Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton before he began representing the whistleblower:
Former CIA official Andrew Bakaj, who once worked at Hillary Clinton’s office while she was a Senator, is representing the whistle-blower who filed a complaint against President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky…
Bakaj was influential in crafting regulations regarding whistle-blowers while serving in the administration of former President Barack Obama…
He started his career working under influential former Democratic lawmakers. Bakaj served as an intern for the late former Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-NY), then as an intern under Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and then he worked under Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY).
Curiously, Bakaj also interned at the US Embassy in the Ukraine, showing that he has ties to the country that is under the microscope right now for President Trump’s reported communication with their leader about Joe Biden’s dealings.
Considering the whistleblower had prior contact with the office of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) before filing his complaint and reportedly worked to dig up dirt on President Trump while working for the Obama administration, Paul’s calls for transparency are more than justified. The whistleblower’s name must be revealed, and he must testify under oath, or the rule of law is dead.