Rep. Matt Gaetz Rails Against Military ‘Cancel Culture’ in Biden’s Anti-American Purge of Conservatives

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called out the Biden regime and the military-industrial complex for their use of “cancel culture” in purging all conservative patriots from the military on Wednesday.
Gaetz appeared via Zoom before the House Committee on Armed Services, which was holding a hearing on alleged extremism in the military. He pulled no punches while blasting the dog-and-pony-show hearings as “total nonsense.”
“Today, the Chinese communist party is building aircraft carriers and jets that every member of this committee knows threaten to close or eliminate the capability gap. North Korea is perfecting the ability to strike the United States with nuclear weapons. Cartels are hunting the next trafficking routes, and here we are,” Gaetz said.
“Today, the House Armed Services Committee is engaged in a review of constitutionally-protected expression from our troops. How utterly weak of us. No wonder the Chinese communist party continues to gain ground,” he added.
Gaetz noted that the purpose of the hearing is “to gaslight the targeting of U.S. military patriots who do not share preapproved politics.”
“This is not about extremism. It’s not about white supremacy. It’s about woke supremacy. It’s about converting the military…into an institution controlled by the political left. Today, instead of working together, we are gathered having a hearing designed to tear us apart, to try and get us to view our fellow countrymen and women who protect us as somehow evil or dangerous or a cancer to be exercised,” Gaetz said.
“U.S. Military is the most diverse organization in our entire country. Men and women, Christians and Jews, Hindus, Muslims, queer and straight, every last one of them, patriots with a common purpose to protect and defend the United States of America,” he added.
Gaetz’s full comments can be seen here:
Apparently only transgenders, feminists, and gender studies scholars are permitted to be in the armed forces in the age of Biden. The U.S. military is openly at war with conservative males in the homeland these days, even as America is losing wars and going bankrupt abroad.
Big League Politics has reported on how the military has been cheapened and used as political props in Biden’s America:
“U.S. Marine Corps Master Gunnery Sergeant Scott H. Stalker issued a rebuttal on Thursday to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who uttered the heresy that putting pregnant women into combat situations might not make America stronger.
Stalker, a veteran military-industrial complex operative who has gained power and prestige from fighting in deep state conflicts throughout the years, called out Carlson for questioning the golden calf of tolerance.
“Drama TV! Ladies and gentlemen, that’s what I call it. I’ll apologize up front and tell you that I don’t have cable news at home. I don’t have it here at the office and I don’t watch a lot of drama TV,” said Stalker, who has been rewarded for his fealty to defense contractors with the post of Command Senior Enlisted Leader of United States Space Command.
“I understand some comments were made yesterday, and I watched the clip that Mr. Carlson produced as he referred to pregnant women in the military. I’ll remind everyone that his opinion, which he has a right to, is based off of zero days in the armed services,” he added.
The officer bragged about his decades of serving the military-industrial complex, occupying parts of the world for no good reason, to impose the new American values of feminism and transgender kids upon third-world nations.
“Those decisions were made by medical professionals, by commanders in our civilian leadership, that allows for women to have more time with their children to recuperate, to get fit and ready, to take that time that is necessary that our medical professionals know is needed which actually makes us a more lethal and ready and fit force, ready to fight the wars of today and the wars of tomorrow,” Stalker said.
Keep in mind, these are the same “medical professionals” and “commanders in our civilian leadership” who have allowed for taxpayer-funded genital mutilation within the armed forces.
The officer’s final statement echoed the typical platitudes used by the globalists to wrap their hegemonic policies in a flowery veneer.
“We value women in our armed forces. We value those that have served in the past and we value those that have served today. We value our families in the military,” he said.“
Gaetz is a rising star in the GOP because has the courage to speak out. If more Americans do not follow in his example, the Bill of Rights and Constitution will be lost forever.