Rep. Paul Gosar: Shooter 100% Accountable For El Paso Massacre

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar rejected attempts to pin blame for the tragic El Paso mass shooting on conservatives and Second Amendment supporters in a Saturday tweet.

As leftists and Democrats attempt to pin blame for Saturday’s tragedy on various entities and groups, it’s worth noting the heinous crime was carried out by a lone individual. Gosar has refused to go silent in the face of relentless and dishonest from leading media hacks, seeking to enact mass gun confiscation and demonize freedom-loving patriots in the light of a tragedy enacted by a lone lunatic.

Meanwhile, a deranged leftist carried out another horrific massacre across the company in Dayton, Ohio, merely hours after the El Paso mass shooting.

In a similar fashion, responsibility for his actions are the shooter’s alone. But don’t expect the liberal media to carry on a grand ideological campaign seeking to link the Dayton shooter to various Democrats.

It’s been reported that Patrick Crusius, 21, was motivated to carry out the El Paso massacre by an extreme hatred of Mexican and Hispanics. Such racial hatred is clearly twisted and evil.

Twisted individuals of all stripes and colors have committed acts of mass violence for ideological ends throughout the United States and the entire world. Sick individuals like Crusius do not speak for the great majority of lawful gun owners and conservatives, who seek no more than to live in peace with their neighbors of any ethnicity.

Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, a U.S. Army and law enforcement veteran, also posted a heartfelt message condemning the El Paso shooter, pointing out the extreme cowardice of savagely attacking unarmed and innocent people.

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