Did Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee refuse to applaud Scalise’s return to the House floor?

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D.-Texas) on the House floor Thursday. (Screen capture from C-SPAN)

Although Thursday was one of the most emotional days ever experienced on Capitol Hill, highlighted by the moment Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R.-La.) walked onto the House floor for the first time since his July shooting–it appears at least one Member of Congress did not join in the applause.

Watch here as Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee (D.-Texas) declines to applaud who is seen here looking confused and unable to participate with her peers in a joyous moment:

Big League Politics reached out to the congresswoman’s office and the congresswoman’s Communications Director Rucks Russell told BLP:  “I wasn’t watching the video. I don’t know happened.”
Russell told BLP he would decline the opportunity give a statement. “No comment.”
Monday, the congresswoman “took a knee” in solidarity with NFL players refusing to stand for the National Anthem to protest racial inequality.
Here is Scalise talking about his injuries:
Democrats and Republicans turned to social media to mark the joyous occasion including President Donald J. Trump, who tweeted: 
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