REPORT: Planned Parenthood Bought Prostitutes for Staff, Donors, Guests

A Monday report from Daily Mail alleges that the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) spent money to hire prostitutes for its staff, donors and guests.

“A major British charity handed huge sums in foreign aid by the Government is alleged to have overseen the hiring of prostitutes for staff, donors and guests attending official functions,” the report said. “International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the world’s biggest sexual health charity, is also accused of offering young volunteers to adults at events in Africa.”

The information was obtained from internal emails circulated in December, and then subsequently in court documents filed in Kenya by the group’s former Africa regional director.

The IPPF has a staff of 30,000 people, and is backed by £132 million in foreign aid from the British government, according to the report.

“The furore follows a series of abuse scandals involving leading aid charities such as Oxfam, Save The Children and World Vision, which have also seen allegations of the use of prostitutes, harassment and trading of aid for sex in relief zones,” the report said. “In another blow, all 45 member associations in the Western hemisphere region – including those in the US, Argentina, Brazil and Canada – opted to break away from the London-based federation.”

Many top staff have quit amid the allegations.

The news of impropriety on behalf of the “sexual health” giant comes as several American states have enacted pro-life legislation to block abortions.

Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, and Louisiana have all restricted abortions after a heartbeat is detected. Alabama has completely banned abortion.

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