REVOLT: Conservatives Turn on Newsmax TV for Reading Pro-Dominion Propaganda on the Air Following Legal Threat

Newsmax TV is experiencing a constituent exodus one day after folding to Dominion and Smartmatic voting companies due to a legal threat made by the voting software companies alleged to have been responsible for massive anomalies on election day.

Attorney Lin Wood displayed his response to the legal threats on behalf of fellow lawyer Sidney Powell, telling Newsmax “this is how a real man responds” to a cease-and-desist letter:

While Wood has not thrown in the towel on Newsmax quite yet, many hardcore conservatives who are sick of being betrayed by their so-called leaders are already done with them forever.

Big League Politics reported yesterday on the groveling, obsequious statement that aired on Newsmax TV that effectuated a surrender on the network’s behalf to the color revolution coup against President Trump:

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

Additionally, Newsmax joined the rest of the fake news media earlier this month when they coronated Joe Biden as “president-elect” despite the overwhelming evidence of fraud.

“As a result of the Electoral College vote Joe Biden is the president-elect and will be referred to as such on Newsmax,” a spokesperson for Newsmax said to The Hill.

The entire conservative movement appears to be controlled opposition as the U.S. jettisons the rule of law for a cruel technocracy where Americans no longer have the pretense of having basic rights. Newsmax does not appear to be an exception to the rule.

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