RINO Scott Taylor Fakes Ballot Signatures to Split Vote in Congressional Race

A well-known RINO congressman from Virginia cooked up an elaborate scheme to try to split the vote in his district before November’s general election.
“At least four staffers for the re-election campaign of Rep. Scott Taylor, R-2nd, helped gather signatures to get [Shaun] Brown on the ballot as an independent,” according to Richmond News and Advocate. “The Democratic Party argued that the 377 signatures Taylor staffers gathered for Brown were filled with forgeries and should be tossed out, leaving Brown with fewer than the 1,000 valid signatures she needed to get on the ballot.”
Taylor is the incumbent in Virginia’s Second Congressional District.
Ultimately, Judge Gregory Rupe ruled in favor of the Democrats after they filed a lawsuit against the State Board of Elections. The party was able to prove that Taylor’s team forged the signatures, and Brown was removed from the ballot.
Brown is appealing the decision.
“Scott Taylor is a disgrace,” said Waverly Wood, Founder of the Virginia Freedom Caucus. “He’s an embarrassment to the party. This is exactly what you would expect from the RINO establishment.”
In a crucial 2018 midterm where the results will likely determine whether President Donald J. Trump is impeached by rabid Democrats frothing at the mouth for Republican blood, Taylor has no business making such blunders.
A Virginia State Police investigator sat through the civil proceedings last week, during which Taylor was not required to testify. A special prosecutor is also investigating Taylor’s campaign to see if any criminal laws were broken.
Waverly, born and raised in Virginia Beach, told Big League Politics that this is just another one of Taylor’s shenanigans, and that she was not surprised by it at all, citing a long history of scandals going back to Taylor’s days of campaigning for the Virginia House of Delegates.
Worse still, Taylor is an enemy of the Trump agenda.
Big League Politics has previously reported on Taylor’s noncommittal attitude towards Republican policies. Taylor has long favored a path to citizenship for illegals in the U.S. under DACA, and last September he spoke at a George Soros-sponsored event, the Global Citizen Conference.
“Good evening fellow Global Citizens,” he said in the speech which can be viewed here. “It’s great to be here and an honor to represent Virginia.”
“Global citizenship” is Republican code language for selling Americans down the river in order to avoid being called names by Democrats.
Of all the RINO’s in Congress, Taylor is among the wimpiest of the bunch.