RINO Traitor Mike Pence Argues for Endless Funding of Ukrainian Military

Former Vice President Mike Pence, the RINO traitor who shamefully looked the other way and refused to stop election fraud, is pushing for endless funding of the Ukrainian military even if it may result in World War 3.
Pence made the comments during a recent appearance on Fox News, showing dismay with the notion from Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) that the spigot of billions for Ukraine may be cut off if the GOP wins back control of the U.S. House.
“House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy … has said if Republicans take the gavel, that America will no longer be a ‘blank cheque’ for the war in Ukraine. Do you take issue with that?” Fox News journalist John Roberts asked Pence.
Pence sighed before echoing the empty talking points of the War Party.
“You know the United States throughout our history has understood that we need to be the leader of the free world. That includes being the arsenal of democracy,” Pence said.
“In the days of Ronald Reagan, we understood the value of confronting. The value of confronting the Russians and the communists in the world, not by necessarily fighting them directly, but by making sure the people that were fighting the communists, whether in our hemisphere or in other places around the world, had the resources that they need,” he added. “I think this is such a fight.”
The exchange can be seen here:
Fox News’ John Roberts: “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy … has said if Republicans take the gavel, that America will no longer be a 'blank check' for the war in Ukraine. Do you take issue with that?”
Former Vice President Mike Pence: *long sigh* pic.twitter.com/2NdTQFvudh
— The Recount (@therecount) October 19, 2022
During a recent appearance at the Heritage Foundation, Pence endorsed Biden’s belligerence in Ukraine and talked tough about Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to signal to defense contractors that he is their bought-and-paid for presidential candidate in 2024.
“Our movement cannot forsake the foundational commitment that we have to security, to limited government, to liberty and to life. But nor can we allow our movement to be led astray by the siren song of unprincipled populism that’s unmoored from our oldest traditions and most cherished values,” Pence said. “Let me say: This movement and the party that it animates must remain the movement of a strong national defense, limited government and traditional moral values and life.”
“Now, I know there is a rising chorus in our party, including some new voices to our movement, who would have us disengaged with the wider world,” Pence continued. “But appeasement has never worked, ever, in history. And now more than ever, we need a conservative movement committed to America’s role as leader of the free world and as a vanguard of American values.”
“As Russia continues its unconscionable war of aggression to Ukraine, I believe that conservatives must make it clear that Putin must stop and Putin will pay,” he added. “There can be no room in the conservative movement for apologists to Putin. There is only room in this movement for champions of freedom.”
If Pence actually has the audacity to run against Trump for the Republican nomination for U.S. President in 2024, he will be crushed like an ant. The hubris of this traitor may be his downfall.