RNC Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel Issues Tweet Celebrating Pride Month, Orders Republicans with ‘Deeply Held Religious Beliefs’ to Bow to LGBT Agenda

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel wrote a tweet celebrating LGBT pride month, ordering conservatives Republicans with “deeply held religious beliefs” to bow to the sodomite agenda.

“[The Republican Party] is proud to have doubled our LGBTQ support over the last 4 years, and we will continue to grow our big tent by supporting measures that promote fairness and balance protections for LGBTQ Americans and those with deeply held religious beliefs,” Romney-McDaniel wrote.

The tweet can be seen here:

The niece to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has been betraying conservative values in her role as RNC chair since she assumed the role. She also dropped the ball in stopping the coordinated vote steal on election night, with her operatives doing little if anything to prevent very predictable fraud that everyone knew was coming months in advance.

Big League Politics has reported on how Romney-McDaniel never believed that any election fraud took place but still took millions from Trump supporters to enrich herself while failing miserably under deceptive pretenses:

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is continuing to differentiate her private and public stances vis-à-vis the contested presidential election and ongoing voter fraud claims.

In a Politico article titled “The Inside Story of Michigan’s Fake Voter Fraud Scandal,” Tim Albert reported that McDaniel has privately expressed her doubts about any “scalable” voter fraud in Michigan, but that she still needs to “demonstrate a willingness to fight” for the president.

McDaniel had previously received the president’s endorsement to remain RNC chair, and as of now she has no serious challengers. But it is possible that a challenger will arise, such as Cory Gardner, a Republican senator from Colorado defeated on November 3 by Democrat John Hickenlooper. He is seen as part of the GOP establishment and, if he were to run, could force McDaniel to fully embrace her pre-Trump “establishment” image once again.

Big League Politics wrote earlier this month about McDaniel’s quiet withdrawal from President Trump and his America First agenda, referencing this New York Times article that describes the fight between Trump and the RNC over voter data.”

Romney-McDaniel is a big fat failure, and one of Trump’s biggest mistakes has been giving this incredibly unimpressive and unintelligent woman with the worst political pedigree imaginable his blind support.

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