Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke Blames President Trump for El Paso Shooting

Former Congressman and 2020 presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said on Saturday, August 3, 2019 that President Trump is partially responsible for the Walmart massacre in El Paso, Texas where 20 people were killed.

When asked by news reporters if Trump had any responsibility in this incident, O’Rourke responded in the affirmative.

“Yes. We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years, during an administration where you have a president who has called Mexicans rapists and criminals”, O’Rourke said on Saturday evening.

The former congressman added, “He is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country. It does not just offend our sensibilities; it fundamentally changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”

This statement came after politicians from both sides of the aisle, even Trump himself, expressed their condolences after this atrocity.

Texas law enforcement officials confirmed that the suspect, a 21-year-old male from the Dallas area, was the author of a polemical manifesto that appeared on the 8chan website before the attack took place.

George P. Bush, Texas’ Land Commissioner, condemned the shooting as an act of “white terrorism” in a statement right after O’Rourke made his remarks.

BLP reported on O’Rourke’s desire to ban AR-15s, which he will most certainly double down on in the wake of this shooting.

In the midst of this uproar, many media outlets have downplayed the role that veteran Glen Oakley played in saving various children during this shooting.

Oakley took advantage of the concealed carry license that Texas law allows him to possess. He uses this to help shelter children that were running away from the shooting scene.

BLP will stay tuned to further developments in this situation.

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