Roger Stone Exposes Ron DeSantis’ Establishment-Backed Plot to Upend Donald Trump in 2024

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has become a nationally-esteemed figure among conservatives, being credited with solidifying Florida as a solidly red state.
However, there is more than meets the eye with regards to DeSantis and his agenda, as legendary political operative Roger Stone outlined in an exposé for his Stone Cold Truth page on Substack.
Stone explained DeSantis’ rise to the Florida governorship, which was due solely to an endorsement from President Donald Trump. Trump vaulted DeSantis to a Republican primary victory in 2018 against better-funded contenders with more name recognition. A little-known Congressman lacking flair and personality, he adopted Trump’s personality as his own – a schtick that has proven very successful for DeSantis.
Ron DeSantis made a whole ad about his love for Trump back in 2018
— Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 (@ScottMGreer) November 16, 2022
Even with the Trump bump, DeSantis struggled to defeat his opponent, the corrupt meth-addicted gay orgy enthusiast Andrew Gillum, in the 2018 gubernatorial primary. It took repeated intervention by Trump to push DeSantis to a narrow victory.
“Donald Trump would alter his schedule to return to Florida twice in the last two weeks of the campaign with massive rallies dragging both DeSantis and [Florida Senator Rick] Scott over the finish line,” Stone wrote.
Throughout the 2022 midterm elections, DeSantis was focused on building a war chest from the globalist donor class rather than helping to secure victories for Republicans in tough races throughout the country. DeSantis was apparently content to allow the Uniparty’s coordinated sabotage campaign of the America First movement so he could move in as a false savior for 2024.
“DeSantis did use his reelection financial windfall to finance digital advertising outside Florida to begin building a national image in preparation for the 2024 race. Trump, by contrast, headlined rallies to bolster candidates like J.D. Vance in Ohio and Marco Rubio in Florida,” Stone stated.
Much of DeSantis’ support has come as a result of his tough talk on hot button issues, like COVID vaccines, critical race theory and woke corporations. Under closer scrutiny, DeSantis’ record falls far short of his rhetoric.
“DeSantis’ mask mandate ban applies to state schools and state government facilities but does not impose any penalties on private businesses that continue to require them for their employees. Right now, Broward General Hospital in Fort Lauderdale is threatening to terminate numerous nurses who are unvaccinated but decline for health reasons to wear a mask. DeSantis has taken no action. Florida is not mask-free,” Stone noted.
DeSantis’ duplicity on COVID-19 is exemplified by his sham authorization of the Florida Supreme Court to investigate whether Big Pharma duped Florida residents in pushing experimental vaccines after he already granted immunity from liability to these corporations over pushing the dangerous shots. His appointment of COVID thug and liberal democrat David Kerner, a Palm Beach commissioner, to head Florida’s State Department of Motor Vehicles shows how he will make deals with the enemy while pulling the wool over the eyes of the unsuspecting public.
“DeSantis and Kerner both aggressively pushed the Senior Citizen community in Palm Beach County jointly boasting of a 40% vaccination rate among seniors. Kerner, a cold and brutal vaccination advocate and enforcer, used a Palm Beach County COVID-19 Vaccination Compliance Task Force as a jackbooted, uniformed gestapo-like strike-force terrorizing businesses and harassing individual citizens while levying heavy fines on any business owner who declined to require masks or individual citizens who refused to wear them,” Stone wrote.
“Kerner even established a “Snitch Line” in which people could report their neighbors, including anyone they wanted to target – including restaurants and other businesses. The Task Force also took photos of citizens and used them to pressure businesses into terminating certain employees. They levied heavy fines on businesses and citizens,” he added.
DeSantis quietly canceled a $3.5 fine against Leon County for refusing to abide by his anti-mask policies after being lauded by the conservative media following the announcement. He has also claimed to push back against far-left indoctrination in public schools but allows Broward County to run a woke, anti-white curriculum designed by the Anti-Defamation League to its population of 250,000 children. DeSantis is currently working on a way to restore Disney’s special tax breaks, lining his campaign coffers with their lobbyist cash, while saving face.
“DeSantis should not be underestimated as a focused, disciplined, and tight-lipped candidate who does not have a wide circle of advisors but who has proved to be a relentless fundraiser,” Stone said, adding that he believes DeSantis will have a very difficult time defeating Trump in a primary considering his “veritable lock on 45-50% of Republican primary voters” especially in a situation where there are multiple primary challengers.
DeSantis would be wise to quit listening to the RINO donors and spend his time in Florida turning the state into a generational Republican stronghold. His presidential ambitions can wait for another four years while Trump finishes the job he started in the White House.