Russia and Vietnam are Intensifying Relations 

After a series of high-profile diplomatic exchanges, Russia and Vietnam have intensified their relations on several fronts.  

Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko revealed this in an interview with Russian state-media outlet TASS.

Per Bezdetko, despite the Wuhan virus pandemic and tense geopolitical environment throughout 2022, Russia and Vietnam have maintained warm bilateral ties, which have tightened in the post-pandemic era. “The past year was marked by positive dynamics in bilateral ties between our countries. A number of significant high-level political interactions, primarily the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Vietnam, have helped deepen cooperation in a wide range of areas,” the ambassador stated.

In the post-pandemic period, there have been high-profile visits to Vietnam by several prominent Russian public officials such as Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov and Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Alexander Venediktov, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Vietnamese Minister of Public Security To Lam and Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien paid recent visits to Russia. TASS added that “Delegations from authorized Russian agencies and associations took part in events organized in Vietnam as part of the International Army Games ARMY 2022 and the Vietnam International Defense Expo 2022.”

“The agreements reached as a result of the meetings and negotiations set the stage for further strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries, whose tenth anniversary we marked last year,” the diplomat concluded.

Vietnam is a strong defense partner for Russia. Per a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Russia was the top supplier of arms to Vietnam from 2017 to 2021, comprising 56% of Vietnam’s total imports in this regard. Russia was followed by Israel (19%) and South Korea (6.6%), in second and third place respectively. 

As multipolarity becomes the norm, countries like Russia will begin to gain more prominence in the Eurasian landmass, while overbearing western countries such as the United States will slowly be shut out. 

That’s how the multipolar geopolitical cookie is crumbling and if the US and its satrapies in the West can’t adapt, they will be rendered irrelevant.

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