Russian Foreign Minister Warns of Rising Anti-White Racism in the United States, Says Extreme Political Correctness Will “Not End Well”
Russian minister of foreign affairs Sergei Lavrov said Thursday that anti-white racism appears to be rising in the United States.
First reported by The Moscow Times, the comments came during an interview he conducted on Russian television. Lavrov said that Russia, like many other nations, supports the elimination of racism (whatever that means), but to his credit he did refer to anti-white attitudes as a form of racism, which would grind the gears of nearly everyone who calls themselves “anti-racist.”
“[It’s important] not to switch to the other extreme which we saw during the ‘BLM’ (Black Lives Matter) events and the aggression against white people, white U.S. citizens,” he said.
Lavrov also attacked political correctness and the American empire’s “cultural revolution” that’s causing worldwide shifts in attitudes on homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism, and other so-called “human rights.”
“They have colossal possibilities for [this cultural revolution],” he said. “Hollywood is now also changing its rules so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society. I’ve seen Black people play in Shakespeare’s comedies. Only I don’t know when there will be a white Othello.”
“You see this is absurd. Political correctness taken to the point of absurdity will not end well.”
Back in mid-February Big League Politics reported on Lavrov’s defense of President Trump during his second sham impeachment trial:
In an interview with journalist Vladimir Solovyov’s YouTube channel Solovyov Live, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov had kind words for former President Donald Trump. In fact, Lavrov defended the former president and saw the recent attempt to convict Trump in the Senate as a complete farce.
“When asked about Trump, Lavrov had this to say about him:
He is an outstanding person. I remember my two meetings with him, once when I was on a visit to Washington, and also the talks he had with President Vladimir Putin, which I attended.
Donald Trump is a remarkable politician acting from his own experience. Where there is benefit, everything must be done to maximise it; where there is no benefit, let things take their course.“
With regards to the impeachment proceedings, Lavrov said the following:
“I am shocked by the impeachment proceedings. The charges brought against him… You can watch and listen to Trump’s video addresses again and again…”