San Antonio City Council Passes Resolution Declaring the Use of the Term “Chinese Virus” as “Hate Speech”

On May 7, 2020, the San Antonio City Council unanimously passed a resolution declaring that terms “Chinese Virus” and “Kung Flu Virus” are now hate speech.
Paul Joseph Watson noted that “President Trump and many of his supporters have used variations of both terms as a reminder that COVID-19 did indeed originate in China.”
Indeed, the Left has gone through its usual hysterics by declaring Trump to be “racist” despite the inconvenient truth that viruses are usually named after their place of origin.
With San Antonio passing this hate speech resolution, Texas’s urban centers are becoming bluer by the day.
“Resolution being voted on by San Antonio City Council this morning labels terms “Chinese Virus” and “Kung Fu Virus” as hate speech and “all persons are encouraged to report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation,” reporter Jaie Avila said in a Tweet.
A regular council meeting attendee named Jack Finger attempted to speak out against the resolution, but his mic was abruptly cut off.
Council Member Manny Pelaez declared that “hate speech is more dangerous than the virus itself,” never mind that the Wuhan virus has killed over 76,000 Americans.
The resolution was passed unanimously. This will likely serve as a springboard for similar resolutions across the country.
Texas used to be a state that could be relied upon to defend the right to keep and bear arms and also protect free speech due to its pro-freedom profile.
Unfortunately, due to cultural and demographic shifts across the state, the Lone Star State is becoming bluer and more receptive to PC hobby horses of the Left.
The Texas GOP will have to re-assert itself in the state and start pushing for a full-blown immigration moratorium it if wants to contain this leftist spread.