San Francisco Chickens Out On Gun Control Push After Pro-Gun Group Promised to File Lawsuit

The San Francisco County Board of Supervisors has reversed course on a proposed regulation that would turn much of the city into a “gun-free zone” following the Second Amendment Foundation and California Rifle & Pistol Association’s vow to pursue legal action.

Supervisor Catherine Stefani put forward the proposal. She later effectively  scrapped the motion indefinitely after criticizing the 2022 Supreme Court Bruen decision. This decision has compelled the San Francisco Police Department to begin issuing carry permits.

In order to apparently save face, Stefani alluded to proposed state legislation that elected officials in the state legislature may adopt later in the summer, as a reason to give up on the proposed ordinance.

“This happened after California Rifle & Pistol Association and SAF sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors explaining why the planned ordinance would be unconstitutional,” observed CRPA President Chuck Michel, a veteran practicing attorney and gun rights figure  in California. “It is truly unfortunate that San Francisco politicians refuse to respect the Second Amendment and can’t accept the new legal reality that people have a Second Amendment right to carry a firearm in public.”

“As soon as we were advised of this proposal,” stated  SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “we took action.” This is not the first time we’ve had to stop extremist gun control in San Francisco. We successfully sued the city twice over attempted handgun bans, and won both times. We’re prepared to do it again, but our letter to the Board of Supervisors evidently has made that unnecessary.”

“Our warning to the Board of Supervisors was direct and left little room for doubt about our intentions,” highlighted  SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “The letter clearly explained why the proposal was bad policy, and would result in another SAF-CRPA victory. We also reminded the Board it should wait to see whether the state legislation is adopted and how it fares under litigation. That appears to have had the desired impact.”

This case goes to show how action trumps inaction. Even in the bluest of jurisdictions, pro-gun activism is warranted. When we don’t stand up and don’t say anything about the totalitarian Left’s tyrannical actions they will be able to pass horrible legislation at will.

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