SANCTUARY INSANITY: Nearly 100 MS-13 Gang Members Were Active in Suffolk County, New York

New York prosecutors are patting themselves on the back because they are set to announce charges against 96 MS-13 gang members who were operating in Suffolk County.
Authorities plan to make the announcement during a press conference today, and they have declared that MS-13 is now “inoperable” in the state of New York.
That is certainly good news, but it begs the question: Why were they ever operable in New York in the first place?
One reason could be the hostility toward federal immigration enforcement by the state’s Democratic leaders. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent a letter to ICE in 2018 threatening them with lawsuits if they continued targeting illegal immigrants inside his state.
“We believe ICE is violating the law,” Cuomo said during a press conference. “We’re going to put them on notice today, if they continue, the state will sue them. Period.”
Cuomo also signed an executive order in 2017 to protect illegal immigrants from being asked about their status by law enforcement in most cases.
“As Washington squabbles over rolling back sensible immigration policy, we are taking action to help protect all New Yorkers from unwarranted targeting by government,” Governor Cuomo said. “New York became the Empire State due to the contributions of immigrants from every corner of the globe and we will not let the politics of fear and intimidation divide us.”
Right now, Democrats in the state of New York are leading the charge to make New York a sanctuary state, which would open the floodgates for illegals to operate with complete impunity.
The sanctuary legislation introduced in the Assembly reads: “This act will ensure concerns about public safety, which is the primary concern of local law enforcement, is prioritized above concerns of immigration status, which is a uniquely federal responsibility.”
Republicans are pushing back, but because the demographics have shifted to the point of where New York is permanently a blue state, they have little recourse to stop the sanctuary insanity coming down the pike from the Democrats.
“New York Democrats won’t be happy until they abandon every basic rule or law that governs our nation and protects our citizens,” Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb said in a statement.
“The sanctuary state proposal is just the latest example of political posturing that should be kept far away from public policy. The liberal mindset is so skewed, that even though New York’s residents and businesses are leaving in droves, they prefer to focus on people who are in America illegally,” he added.
While New York authorities celebrate what the fake news is describing as “the largest take down of the violent street gang in New York State history” today, it will not be hard for MS-13 to rebuild their influence with the state’s weak immigration laws that are only continuing to weaken with the Democrats in charge.