School District Throws Principal Under the Bus for Anti-White Discrimination

A Wisconsin elementary school has received criticism for throwing a “rogue” principal under the bus for telling teachers to prioritize holding meetings with students based on their racial background.
Dan Lennington, an attorney who works for the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty think tank (WILL), claimed that the school’s leadership appeared to have complied with district policies urging educators to spend the bulk of their time on “targeted student populations.” This formed an integral part of the school district policy that pushes for decentralizing “whiteness” in schools and using its hiring practices to create a staff that is “free of blockers and resistors.”U
Lennington got involved in the case after a whistleblower complaint from an employee who attended a November 2020 staff development meeting at Lake View Elementary. The whistleblower sent Lennington a screen grab of a part of the meeting where the participants talked about the development of small instructional groups for students. Per the evidence, as part of the district’s “equity vision” and dedication to “black excellence,” teachers were called on to “prioritize your African American students meeting with you first and more often,” and “prioritize your English Language learners meeting with you second and more often.”
When the school district was put on blast, the district threw the principal under the bus. National Review highlighted the following about this incident:
After a drawn-out request for records and a legal battle, the district sent WILL a letter stating that the screen grab was not district policy, but was rather a directive from the principal at Lake View. The principal was “advised of her misunderstanding,” the letter stated, according to WILL.
On Monday, WILL announced that they had settled a public-records lawsuit against the Madison district, and that the district had agreed to a series of steps to improve its process for filling records requests.
But as part of the legal fight, the district provided Lennington with additional documents about district policies, strategic plans, and its utilization of racially segregated affinity groups. In a thread on X, formerly Twitter, Lennington wrote that after having reviewed the documents, there is “MUCH reason to doubt” that Lake View’s plan to prioritize black students was a “misunderstanding” at all.
“When they say publicly, as they have now, ‘Oh, that one thing was just a misunderstanding, we do not prioritize students based on race,’ we think that’s a lie,” Lennington said to National Review.
“Prioritize Your African American Students”
In the recent @WILawLiberty settlement, Madison schools abandoned the policy below, claiming it was a “misunderstanding” and at only one school.
We have MUCH reason to doubt 🧵@RyanAMills77 @RickertWisSJ @VickiMcKenna @wisconsin_now
— Dan Lennington (@DanLennington) August 7, 2023
Per the document, the Madison school district recognized that “the Master Narrative must decentralize whiteness.”
The National Review report added the following:
The document goes on to explain that “80% of our time will be spent attending to our top 20% priority,” which is “students of color (African American and Latinx students), English Language Learners, and students with general reading disabilities.” The document states that “we will attend explicitly to these student population needs by ensuring that they are instructionally targeted* in the literacy, biliteracy, humanities and English curriculum.”
Another professional development documents indicates that Madison teachers are evaluated on whether they explicitly apply “content goals to our targeted student populations.” Lake View identified those students as their “Focus Students.”
“The elementary school was just doing what the strategic plan says to do,” noted Lennington, who claimed that the K-5 literacy and biliteracy strategic plan is part of a broader effort to ensure that among the staff, “we’re getting only the most liberal, progressive people.”
“If someone was not hired or if someone was fired because they didn’t think the right thing, they would definitely have a constitutional claim against the school district,” he stated.
On top of that, the district’s documents additionally detailed the approval of racially segregated affinity groups, and how these kinds of groups can “support us in being more vulnerable and in grieving the ignorance, shame, and disgrace that often accommodate racial inquiry.”
Per Lennington, “We are definitely looking at our options right now and considering what are the next steps to deal with this sort of rogue district that wants to continue discriminating based on race, despite some of their public statements.”
Anti-white policies are the standard operating procedure of nearly all institutions in the US. It’s the order of the day. The only way these civilization-destroying measures can be undermined is for the populist Right to fully take control of the political process and impose their will on the rest of the country.