School District Wants Parents to Sign an Agreement Not to Record Virtual Classes that Could be Filled with Leftist Indoctrination

A school district in Tennessee is now requiring parents to sign an agreement to not monitor their children’s virtual classes.

The school district is concerned over the parents potentially overhearing confidential information.

The Daily Wire reported that a copy of this agreement was sent to the Tennessee Star. The agreement read: “RCS strives to present these opportunities in a secure format that protects student privacy to the greatest extent possible, however, because these meetings will occur virtually RCS is limited in its ability to fully control certain factors such as non-student observers that may be present in the home of a student participating in the virtual meeting.”

The agreement outlines the need to avoid the “non-student observation of online meetings due to the potential of confidential information about a student being revealed,” and although it does not explicitly say that parents may not look over their child’s shoulder while virtual instruction is taking place, it does say that a “violation of this agreement may result in RCS removing my child from the virtual meeting.”

According to the Tennessee Star, parents became naturally concerned with the agreement due to how sensitive topics could be discussed during these classrooms without the parents’ knowledge.

The Rutherford School District attempted to clarify these concerns in an email directed towards the parents.

“We are aware of the concern that has been raised about this distance-learning letter that was sent to parents,” a spokesperson informed the Star. “The intent was not to prevent parents from being involved with their children during distance learning, but it was intended to protect the academic privacy of other students in the classroom who are visible during certain virtual class sessions.”

The school district is now directing parents to not record the virtual classes for viewing later on.

“We have issued new guidance to principals that parents can assist their children during virtual group lessons with permission of the instructor but should refrain from sharing or recording any information about other students in the classroom,” the spokesperson continued.

Parents’ concerns about virtual education are valid because of the way these modules are structures. Under these abnormal circumstances, online classrooms could potentially have teachers doubling down on political indoctrination. There’s no telling what politically correct faculty could get way with when they’re no longer accountable to parents.

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