Second Accuser’s Attorney Flops On CNN…Might Not Have Been Kavanaugh At All

The attorney for Deborah Ramirez, the second accuser against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, conceded that Ramirez might have said that Kavanaugh was NOT the man who sexually harassed her, as has been reported.

Lawyer John Clune made the admission on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360. Clune should know whether or not Ramirez made up the Kavanaugh connection, so his stunning concession is even more important as we head into Thursday’s hearing with Kavanaugh’s first accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

Here is the interaction between Cooper and Clune:

COOPER: “Some people have implied that perhaps the attorney she spoke to may have politically motivated or politically connected, and encouraged her to specifically cite Judge Kavanaugh even though her memory was not full on that.

Last night on Fox News, Judge Kavanaugh cited a New York Times report that said Ms. Ramirez had recently contacted former Yale classmates, told them or told some of them that she wasn’t sure it was Kavanaugh, is that true that she had done that?” he asked.”

CLUNE: “You know I wasn’t representing her at the time that was going on so I wouldn’t be able to answer that question.”

COOPER: “And just so I’m clear, you’re saying you have not asked your client whether in fact the New York Times reporting was correct that she called up former Yale classmates, and to some express that she wasn’t sure if Kavanaugh was involved?”

CLUNE: “I haven’t asked her about the information in the New York Times, um, article, no.”

Big League Politics reported:

Brett Kavanaugh’s second accuser Deborah “Debbie” Ramirez is a left-wing activist who spoke at a PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) event and agitated against use of the word “Sissy” on T-shirts handed out at an annual Colorado 10k run.

Ramirez, who claimed with no evidence that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a college party, is the senior volunteer coordinator for the Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services. She is known colloquially as “Debbie.”

Ramirez is co-vice chair of the board of SPAN, the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence. She has been listed as the point of contact for the progressive organization’s training sessions.

Debbie Ramirez also spoke at a PFLAG event in Boulder County on November 19, 2009. Here’s how the event was described in the flyer:

“Non-LGBT people with involvement as educator, legislator, commu- nity leader, mental health worker, and church laity leaders will share their lived responses as “allies who are Straight for Equality.” Anne Guilfoile, Katy Fleming, Debbie Ramirez, Ron & Jennifer Gould are among those who will share their stories of how they became in- volved and what they did as allies to support equality for LGBT per- sons. This is a program aimed at reaching out to straight persons in PFLAG and in the community. Bring a straight friend to the meeting. Come to be inspired, to gain insight and motivation for what you can do to make a difference for LGBT equality.”

But perhaps her most jarring bit of public activism was her campaign against the words “sissy” and “sissies,” which the Daily Camera confirmed in light of her recent accusations against Kavanaugh.

Here is what Debbie Ramirez wrote for the Daily Camera on April 21, 2014:

“The Daily Camera frequently covers information about the Bolder Boulder. On April 10, I received an e-mail from Bolder Boulder announcing that the first 100 registrants at the Bolder Boulder store would receive a free “Sea Level is for Sissies” T-shirt. I find this T-shirt hurtful to people of all genders.

People say “you’re a sissy” to put them down. The word is used to put down traits that are problematically and stereotypically associated with women. Traits that all genders have but are not valued because they are associated with women.

I am a women who runs, rock climbs and performs well athletically. I also have the traits associated with someone who is called a sissy. I cry, I get hurt and I express my emotions. If this is what a sissy is, I am proud to be a sissy and would never wear a T-shirt that does not value these traits in all genders.

It is hurtful to everyone to promote the belief that we should all strive to have traits that are stereotypically associated with men. All genders express emotions and they should be embraced when they do.

I am a strong, tough female, who is athletic, ran a marathon and the Bolder Boulder twice. I was planning on running it this year and I am questioning if I want to support an event that supports this T-shirt year after year.

It is time to retire it. Well intentioned people use hurtful expressions without understanding what they are saying. So when adults and children say, “That’s so gay,” “You’re a sissy,” “That’s retarded” we can shed light on what is really being said.”

Ramirez’s Daily Camera passage ends

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