Senator Chris Murphy Plans on Introducing Universal Gun Background Check Gun Grab

AWR Hawkins of Breitbart News reported that Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy has plans of introducing universal background check legislation that could end up on President Joe Biden’s desk.
According to a report by The Hill, Murphy responded to a statement President Joe Biden made on February 14, 2021, when he called on Congress to introduce legislation.
The Hill reports that Murphy reacted to Biden’s February 14, 2021, call for universal background checks by making clear he will put such legislation forward.
Murphy said:
President Biden and his administration are clearly committed to signing commonsense gun violence prevention legislation into law and taking executive action to save lives and make our communities safer. Two years ago, we got pretty darn close to striking a bipartisan deal to expand background checks that I believe would have passed on the floor if [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell put it up for a vote.
California Congressman Mike Thompson is expected to put forward a similar bill in the U.S. House. He stated, “The White House is definitely committed to gun violence prevention and Mike’s top priority on this issue is the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. We are still actively working with leadership and advocates on timing of that bill.”
Hawkins provided some of the implications of this policy:
On January 24, 2021, Breitbart News pointed out universal background checks are unenforceable without a gun registry. This is because such checks are an expansion of the retail point-of-sale checks that have been in place since 1993. Under the ‘universal’ label, retail checks would be applicable to private points of sale as well, covering the sale of 5-shot revolver between lifelong neighbors.
BLP previously reported on House Democrats’ successful effort to pass universal background checks in 2019. The bill ended up languishing due to Republicans’ control of the Senate at the time.
A universal background check law would expand upon the current background check system and put America one step closer to gun confiscation.
Gun owners should make a major stink about this kind of legislation and target Senators in swing states to scuttle Democrats’ hopes of implementing gun grabs.