Seriously? “Researchers” Develop Cutting Edge “Nose Only” Coronavirus Mask
Researchers in Mexico have introduced a new coronavirus mask that covers only the nose, allowing those terrified over the virus to participate in the mask fad while nominally eating at the same time.
CBS News touted the game-changing innovation in a video on Twitter.
Researchers in Mexico have made a nose-only Covid mask, which they say reduces the risk of infection of coronavirus during eating and talking.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 24, 2021
It’s totally unclear how this is even going to reduce transmission of the virus. Obviously, if you’re eating, viral molecules can still escape your open mouth or even your eyes. The science attesting to the utility of masks was always dubious, with death rates roughly the same- or even more- in jurisdictions that utilized mandatory mask measures or not.
@MayorNorton tell me again why masks work??? Data from the MDH. Total deaths per week. Red line is when state mask mandate went into affect. How do we get worse by mandating masks. Cant tell me this is from Legends and Doolys. Try again. I’m mean data right??
— Chris (@cd_degger) November 15, 2020
Even as you laugh now, it’s probably only a matter of weeks before “health” experts and conformist Democrats are demanding mandates to implement nose masks while eating punishable with jail time. The new iteration of the mask fad consists of wearing two masks, with some seeking to help by stacking on a third mask for the good of “health.”
With a full year passed since the onset of the coronavirus disease, it’s well past time to start pushing back on the undue social expectation of wearing a mask in all times or all places. While the tools might still be appropriate in places of worship where elderly people are likely to congregate, it’s time to take them off in public.
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