Shock Video: Gillespie voter in pickup truck with Dixie battle flag hunts down minority kids in new LVF ad
The Virginia governor’s race has taken a nasty turn after polls showed Republican Edward W. Gillespie close to or leading the Democrat Lt. Gov. Ralph S. Northam in the polls with the Real Clear Politics average of polls showing the Democrat up 3.3 percent.
Monday the Latino Victory Fund launched a frightening video showing a blue Ford F-250 pickup truck with a Gillespie bumper sticker and the “Stars and Bars” Confederate battle flag mounted on on pole in the bed of the truck.
The white man driving the truck pursues four children from minority ethnic backgrounds as they run through playgrounds, along sidewalks and finally into an alley. As the four kids struggle to climb a chain link fence, the driver bears down on them at full speed and moments before impact, one of the two boys wakes up as if from a nightmare.
Watch the commercial here: