SHOCK VIDEO: Reporter Andy Ngo Beaten By Antifa, Equipment Stolen While Police Stand Down

Quillette reporter Andy Ngo was beaten by a raucous mob of Antifa thugs, who then stole his GoPro camera and escaped while police stood down.

“I just got beat up by the crowd,” Ngo said in Periscope video, with cuts and bruises on his face. “No police at all. In the middle of the street – and they stole my GoPro. And they punched me several times in my face and head. I’m bleeding.”

Milkshakes and other materials were also tossed on Ngo during the scuffle.

Finally, what appear to be paramedics showed up to ask Ngo if he was all right. He complained to them about the lack of police presence, but they shrugged off his complaints.

The Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, was proud of the fact that his police force did not intervene.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he reportedly said.

Ngo is known for his work chronicling the violence of Antifa in Portland, Oregon. Such violence is routinely ignored – or even excused – by the mainstream press.

Several Antifa sympathizers celebrated Ngo’s assault.

“you went there to antagonize them and you knew they were targeting you. this is exactly what you wanted,” one person said in response.

Full video shows the assault in live time:

Michelle Malkin posted a link to a GoFundMe for Ngo, which you can support here.

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