Shocking Footage Shows Iowa Caucus Officials Apparently Rigging Coin Toss for Pete Buttigieg

A shocking video has been produced from the Democrat portion of the Iowa caucus yesterday that indicates a level of corruption that has plagued the proceeding.

The footage from a precinct shows a caucus official seemingly looking at the coin after flipping it and then turning it in a certain manner to award delegates to South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg:

This follows many anecdotal tales of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) dominating votes during caucus precincts but delegates being mysteriously awarded to other candidates, particularly Buttigieg.

Making matters even more shady, Buttigieg’s campaign paid tens of thousands of dollars last year to Shadow, Inc., the tech firm with extensive ties to the Democrat establishment that developed the malfunctioning app causing the Iowa caucus to devolve into a farce for Democrats. The Buttigieg campaign claims it only paid Shadow for “text messaging services to help us contact voters.”

Pete for America, Inc. is listed as giving two payments of $21,250 to Shadow in July 2019. While his campaign downplays his association to Shadow, Buttigieg mysteriously proclaimed himself the winner of the Iowa caucus last night despite the fact that no official results have been released publicly.

Buttigieg was forced to backtrack from his victory proclamation during an appearance on MSNBC this morning, perhaps after realizing he jumped the gun.

“Mr. Mayor, tell me about your decision last night to go out and declare victory. You went up on the stage and said, “We were victorious here tonight.” What did you base that on?” host Willie Geist asked Buttigieg.

“Well, we were looking at the internal numbers that we had and beginning to realize that something extraordinary had happened last night—I mean, here you have a campaign that was really questioned when we first got in, whether we even oughta be here, whether we belonged in this race. And to not only establish that but to reach the position that we did was a clear victory for this campaign,” he responded.

“So not based, though, on anything you heard from the state Democratic Party, for example?” Geist asked.

“No, we don’t have anything from the party, at least I don’t, that you wouldn’t have heard as well,” Buttigieg said.

Iowa caucus results are expected to be partially released starting at 5PM EST on Tuesday, but it is unlikely that they will be accepted as legitimate considering what has transpired up to this point.

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