Slate Blames All White Australians for Mosque Shooting

Far-left rag Slate blamed all white Australians for the mosque attack by eco-fascist white supremacist Brenton Tarrant that killed 50 last week, but was silent about Monday’s radical Islamic terror attack in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

“I’m a white Australian. I know that blaming myself and my cohort is illogical, but I can’t escape the feeling that all of white Australia is implicated in the deaths—a white majority that has fomented and let foment hate,” said some Australian lady in an article we won’t like to on this site. “Though he may have labeled himself a European, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant was an Aussie through and through, growing up in a country town north of Sydney, steeped in mainstream Australian racism and our particular national brand of Islamophobia.”

The piece was headlined “The Christchurch Shootings Should Implicate All White Australians.”

The author also, of course, injected President Donald J. Trump into the equation – blaming him, Donald Trump Jr., his former Chief of Staff Stephen K. Bannon, and advisor Stephen Miller for the shooting, citing the shooter’s labeling of Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.”

Of course, she left out the fact that the much of the shooter’s manifesto was leftist, eco-fascist garbage, and that he identified most closely with the communist Chinese politically.

“The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China,” his manifesto said.

She also failed to mention that much of the manifesto was pure, unadulterated, nonsensical garbage likely meant to foment hatred between groups – and to bait mainstream media idiots into writing demented think pieces, which obviously worked in the case of Slate. 

Fast forward to Monday, when a radical Islamist shot up a tram in the city of Utrecht in The Netherlands. Originally, the press tried to bury the story by quoting Turkish state media propaganda, which claimed that the Turkish shooter, Gokmen Tanis, had had a familial dispute, and intended to kill someone close to him. That narrative did not play out, and was debunked relatively quickly.

So the press – especially Slate, which has not written about Utrecht at all – did what it always does in the wake of radical Islamic terrorism. It dropped the subject completely.

Not a single think piece from Slate about how all Muslims are responsible for Tanis’ actions? Color me shocked.

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