Snopes Fact Checks an AOC Meme, Obsession with Helping Congresswoman Revealed
A “fact checking” website historically known for carrying water for liberals made sure its users knew that a meme of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was, indeed, not real.
According to Snopes, it is untrue that “Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez repeatedly guessed ‘free’ in response to questions during an appearance on the game show ‘The Price is Right,'” given that she never made an appearance on the show. The photo, Snopes said, was first made by for an article by satire website The Babylon Bee.
Fortunately, Snopes swooped in to save the day, advising America that satire is not, in fact, real.
It turns out, the leftist media’s darling fact checkers have a bit of an obsession with AOC. The Media Research Center delved into Snopes’ fact-checking involving AOC, and it turns out the site has already defended her five times in April alone.
“ claims to be a fact-checking website, but its recent rash of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defense items suggests it’s a liberal clickbait site,” MRC said. “There are five items just in the first 15 days of April. None of them evaluate if AOC mangled facts. They’re all on defense.”
Over the weekend, Snopes published a story claiming that Fox News was “obsessed” with the freshman congresswoman.
“Study: Fox News Is Obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” the headline read.
The Media Research Center suggested that perhaps they should look in the mirror.
“It’s quite funny, after all this, that on April 14 in a news section, Snopes posted an AP story headlined ‘Study: Fox News Is Obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” MRC said. “As if liberal outlets are not!”
There is an entire chapter in my upcoming book, Enemies: The Press vs. The American People, dedicated to fact-checking Snopes’ leftist agenda.
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