Snopes Fact Checks Viral Satire Article About Woody From ‘Toy Story’ Being Bisexual

Snopes Woody Bisexual

After years of fact checking the popular Christian conservative website Babylon Bee, the once-respected fact checker is now spending its resources fact checking NPC Daily.

NPC Daily, a viral new right wing satire website using the popular non-player character meme, recently published an article titled “Disney announces that Woody will be ‘openly bisexual’ in Toy Story 4”, which prompted Snopes to inform readers that the children’s movie character will not, in fact, discuss his sexuality on the big screen.

Snopes referenced a clearly fake tweet used in the NPC Daily article by Disney, and wrote that “This report was not a genuine news account, nor was such a tweet issued by Disney.”

Apparently unable to determine the difference between “satire” and “fake news”, Snopes condemned the article as “fake” in its article. In fact, Snopes only begrudgingly admits the article is satirical in nature twice, first in the subheading of its article, and again at the tail end.

“A niche genre of ‘satire’ sexualizes animated characters,” according to the Snopes article subheading. It then concludes, “This isn’t the first time that a piece of ‘satire’ has sexualized animated characters.”

Snopes has a habit of deriding conservative satire as “fake news”, and reached great acclaim when it condemned The Babylon Bee for a 2018 article claiming CNN purchased an “industrial sized washing machine” to spin the news before it could be broadcast. This was initially believed to be used against Babylon Bee’s Facebook rankings, and after a massive backlash, Facebook clarified that the so-called fact checkers’ article would not be used to punish Babylon Bee.

Big League Politics reported:

Now that the election is over, it seems that they have enough extra time on their hands to fact check Christian satire website, Babylon Bee. Any reasonable person who takes a cursory glance at the site will see the satire, but Snopes still finds it necessary to fact check them.

Perhaps their most ridiculous fact check was on an article where Babylon Bee claimed that CNN purchased an “industrial sized washing machine” so they could spin news. Most people would find the article hilarious, despite being fake, but Snopes instead found it important to make it known that the claim was false.

Snopes also fact checked an article where Babylon Bee claimed that Planned Parenthood defended Bill Cosby, because “sexual assault is only 3% of what he does.” The satirical article was obviously poking fun at Planned Parenthood, who claims that abortion is only 3% of what they do.

Snopes also fact checked Babylon Bee when it published another satirical article, this time suggesting the disgraced Jussie Smollett would be given a job at CNN after “fabricating a story out of thin air.” Smollett committed what is largely considered to be a hate crime hoax in which he is believed to have paid two brothers to attack him while wearing red hats in an attempt to secure better compensation for his work on “Empire” and stoke hate against supporters of President Donald Trump.

The formerly respected website does not stop at fact checking satirical articles. In April, Snopes fact checked a viral meme mocking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, suggesting the freshman congresswoman appeared on “The Price Is Right” and guessed “free” as the price of every item.

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