Somali Community Leader Admits Ilhan Omar DID Marry Her Brother as Part of Immigration Fraud Scheme

Somali community leader Abdihakim Osman, 40, has confirmed that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) did in fact marry her brother for the purposes of committing immigration fraud.

Osman gave an interview to the Daily Mail in which he gave the timeline of how and why the illicit arrangement happened.

“No one knew there had been a wedding until the media turned up the marriage certificate years later,” Osman said.

Osman contends that Omar married her brother Ahmed Elmi in 2009 so he could stay in the states and go to college. Elmi is extremely effeminate and believed to be homosexual. After he married Omar, Elmi became a citizen and started studying at North Dakota State University beside his sister.

Omar’s office would not formally deny the allegations after the Daily Mail reached out to them.

“The Congresswoman is focused on the work her constituents sent her to Washington to accomplish,” Omar’s spokesman said.

Osman noted that Elmi was often around Omar and her now ex-husband Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi, nicknamed “Southside,” who was well-known in the Somali community as a soccer star. At the time, she was married to Hirsi in a Muslim ceremony that was not formalized by the state.

“People began noticing that Ilhan and Southside (Hirsi) were often with a very effeminate young guy,” Osman said.

‘He was very feminine in the way he dressed — he would wear light lipstick and pink clothes and very, very, short shorts in the summer. People started whispering about him, ” he added. “[Hirsi] and Ilhan both told me it was Ilhan’s brother and he had been living in London but he was mixing with what were seen as bad influences that the family did not like. So they sent him to Minneapolis as ‘rehab.'”

Osman, who administrates a Facebook page for Somalis called Xerta Shekh, noted that Omar tried to keep her illicit marriage with her brother quiet from the Somali community but word eventually got out.

‘When [Hirsi] and Ilhan got married, a lot of people were invited. It was a big Islamic wedding uniting two large clans in the Minneapolis community,” Osman said. “I would say there were 100-150 people there. When she married Elmi, no one even knew about it.”

Due to the lack of paperwork from third-world Somalia, it would be difficult to conclusively prove that Omar and Ersi are brothers in the court of law. This has allowed them to get away with their fraud for over a decade now.

Christian minister Wilecia Harris reportedly married Omar and Elsi. She runs the Great and Mighty Works Ministries in Richfield, Minnesota, which is described as a “nondenominational, Bible believing, Bible teaching, and Bible living ministry that believes in being a living example of Jesus the anointed one!” Osman believes that they had to go outside of the Somali community to conduct their marriage because a Muslim imam would have been more likely to realize they were siblings.

“She said she needed to get papers for her brother to go to school. We all thought she was just getting papers together to allow him to stay in this country. Once she had the papers they could apply for student loans,” Osman said.

“They both moved to North Dakota to go to school but she was still married to [Hirsi]. In the Somali way, the only marriage that mattered was the one in the mosque. Ilhan came back to Minneapolis all the time to see her family, but her brother didn’t come with her,” he added.

After these new revelations, further investigations are needed into Omar’s dark past, and the anti-American Congresswoman may need to submit to a DNA test to determine conclusively that Elmi is her brother.

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