Soros Donation For Smollett Prosecutor Highlights Years of Democrat State-Level Agitation

George Soros’ big spending on super PAC’s to help Kim Foxx, the Cook County prosecutor who arranged for the Jussie Smollett hate-hoax charges to be dropped, highlights Soros’ effective multi-year effort to spend big in local court elections around the United States of America. (READ: Meet The Michelle Obama Chief of Staff Who Kept Jussie Out Of Jail).

Cassandra Fairbanks reported for Big League Politics in April 2017:

A group named Philadelphia Justice & Public Safety has filed a political committee registration ahead of the city’s Democratic primary election for district attorney, and it is being funded by none other than George Soros.

The group is planning to back civil rights attorney Larry Krasner in the race, who has vowed that he would never pursue the death penalty in any case and will keep Philadelphia a “sanctuary city.”

While the globalist billionaire is not named in any of the paperwork for the group, the address they list is for DC law firm Perkins Coie, which Soros-backed PAC’s have used as a front address in other states, reports. The treasurer of the group is Witney Tymas, who has served in the same role for other Soros organizations.

The candidate has an entire segment of his platform titled, “Resist the Trump Administration.” The section outlines his plan to “protect immigrants,” “reject the drug war,” and “stand up to police misconduct.”

“As District Attorney, he will work to maintain Philadelphia as a ‘sanctuary city’ and protect the Fourth Amendment rights of all residents, cooperating with federal authorities only to the degree required by law,” Krasner’s website states. “Because legal proceedings can affect the status of immigrants and therefore relations between communities and law enforcement, Larry will take those effects into account when making prosecutorial decisions and setting prosecutorial policy. He will oppose renewal of ICE’s access to the PARS database, a city police database used by ICE to identify ‘deportable’ immigrants.”

In February, other organizations funded by Soros teamed up with Democratic attorney generals to file over a dozen lawsuits against the Trump administration in relation to his executive order to temporarily halt immigration from terrorist hot spots.

Soros’s Open Society Foundations, a pro-open borders and pro-globalization advocacy organization, also financed several non-profit organizations that filed lawsuits against the order.

Among the groups Soros financed who filed lawsuits against the administration were the National Immigration Law Center, who he handed $4.6 million and the Urban Justice Center, which also has an organization called the International Refugee Assistance Project, who received $621,000.

“It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pressure groups funded by George Soros are litigating to keep US ports-of-entry wide open to terrorists and other people who hate America,” Matthew Vadum, senior vice president of the Capital Research Center, a Washington think tank that investigates nonprofits, told LifeZette at the time the lawsuit funding was revealed. “Soros has said he wants to bring America down. Flooding the country with Muslim aliens who won’t assimilate is one way to do that.”

Fairbanks’ amazing report ends

George Soros is also financially responsible for the ongoing migrant caravan that has repeatedly attempted to breach the U.S. southern border.

George Soros’ money pays a parent group of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the official organizer of the illegal immigrant Caravan headed to the U.S.-Mexico border. Soros also funds a Pueblo Sin Fronteras spokeswoman’s employer, according to records obtained by Big League Politics courtesy of independent researcher Brian Humphrey.

The group Centro Sin Fronteras, a parent group to caravan organizer Pueblo Sin Fronteras, is reportedly a “mainstay” of the caravan effort. The Centro has received funding from the George Soros-financed National Immigration Forum.

A Pueblo Sin Fronteras spokeswoman and organizer, Viridiana Vidal, is the Nevada state director for America’s Voice, which has been paid consulting fees by the George Soros-funded Immigrant Voters Win PAC. That Soros-funded PAC also pays salaries for America’s Voice’s top executives.

So let’s break down the Soros cash flow, which is somewhat hidden but actually very easy to find if you pull on the threads.

Centro Sin Fronteras

Pueblo Sin Fronteras’ associated group Centro Sin Fronteras, founded by Chicago-based left-wing pastor Emma Lozano, is reportedly the “mainstay” of the illegal immigrant caravans coming to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Centro Sin Fronteras formed the expansion group La Familia Unida, which now reportedly operates Pueblo Sin Fronteras.

Influence Watch reported: “Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, former fugitive from U.S. immigration authorities, and activist for illegal immigrants in the U.S., formed the activist group La Familia Latina Unida (“The United Latin Family”) as an expansion of the Centro Sin Fronteras. [7] La Familia Latina Unida runs Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”), a group that organizes “migrant caravans” from Mexico and Latin America to cross the U.S. border illegally.[8]”

Centro Sin Fronteras (“Sin Fronteras” for short) makes it clear on its website that it is the parent organization of Familia Latina Unida.

The website states (emphasis added): “Sin Fronteras organized marches every year and fought deportations on a case by case basis through its legal program. Many of these cases involved the separation of families with U.S. citizen children. When Elvira Arellano joined Sin Fronteras afer her arrest in 2001, Sin Fronteras formed Familia Latina Unida which soon grew to include hundreds of families facing separation. Together they testified in the city council, the county board and the state legislature winning formal support from those institutions as well as from the Mayor of Chicago and the governor of Illinois.”

Interesting! So the George Soros-funded Centro Sin Fronteras is the parent organization of La Familia Latina Unida, which is the parent organization of Pueblo Sin Fronteras.

Capital Research Center reports: “But who is Pueblo Sin Fronteras, anyway? The group appears to be a remnant of the now-defunct 501(c)(4) La Familia Latina Unida (“The United Latin Family”), a Chicago, Illinois-based illegal immigration advocacy group formed in 2001 by illegal immigrant and activist Elvira Arellano. The two groups are regularly listed side-by-side with each other and have overlapping staff. The groups claim to have organized approximately 1,000 economic migrants from Central America to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010 (prior to most of the caravans). They also share the same Chicago address (2176 W. Division St., Chicago, Illinois, 60622), which is also the same address as the Adalberto Methodist Church in which Arellano once hid from U.S. immigration authorities prior to founding La Familia Latina Unida.”

Centro Sin Fronteras has received funding from the National Immigration Forum, which is financed by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

Influence Watch reported, citing the Centro’s Form 990’s: “In 2010, the National Immigration Forum reported giving $60,000 to the Center. The Forum, in turn, receives funding from a number of major left-wing grantmaking foundations, including the Open Society Foundations and MacArthur, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.”

National Immigration Forum has received at least $2.5 million in grant money from Open Society Foundations.


LifeZette reported that Centro, the Soros-funded parent organization, is the “mainstay” of the caravan effort:

“Ludwig told LifeZette that Pueblo Sin Fronteras has to be viewed in connection with a related group, the Centro Sin Fronteras (Center Without Borders), which “is the mainstay behind the illegal immigrant caravans. The nonprofit was founded in Chicago in 1987 by Emma Lozano, a pastor at the city’s Lincoln United Methodist Church.”

The church, Ludwig said, “is a hotspot for left-wing activists and where other pro-illegal immigration groups such as the League of United Latin American Citizens(LULAC) and Make the Road New York have co-hosted events with her to help illegal immigrants register for” the federal government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

But the link between the two seemingly unconnected Fronteras groups goes even further, according to Ludwig.

“The center appears to coordinate much of the caravan activity through Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”), a project of the center affiliate La Familia Latina Unida (The United Latin Family).”

“La Familia Latina Unida is a 501(c)(4) activist front created in 2001 by Lozano and the illegal immigrant Elvira Arellano, who is listed as the group’s president. Arellano was deported in 1997; she returned a few days later, and continued working in the U.S. under a fake Social Security number before joining the center around 2001 as a refugee hiding from immigration officials in the Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago (a church closely connected to Lozano’s).'”

LifeZette passage ends

Viridiana Vidal

Viridiana Vidal was listed as point of contact on an October 21 Pueblo Sin Fronteras press release.

The Daily Beast reported on October 25: “One of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras organizers, Viridiana Vidal, told The Daily Beast unofficially that by Wednesday night the caravan had grown to 10,000 and “some were still coming across the bridge from Guatemala to Mexico.” The ragged procession stretched for miles. Those at the front were the ones gaining speed and would be the first to reach Mexico City, days ahead of the tail-end of the caravan.”

Vidal was also identified by The Hill as a “representative for Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a group that provides logistical aid to migrant caravans like the one currently traveling north through Mexico…” Vidal told the newspaper about the violence in Honduras driving migration northward.

Who is Viridiana Vidal? She used to work for Telemundo and Univision.

Vidal’s LinkedIn profile lists her as the current Nevada state director for America’s Voice, since 2016.

“As Nevada Director I oversee the implementation of America’s Voice message and strategy through local, state and national media outlets,” Vidal’s LinkedIn profile states.

Vidal’s Twitter bio also lists her as “NV State Director @AmericasVoice.”

Vidal wrote an op-ed in 2016 claiming that President Donald Trump’s supposed racism made her switch from a career in journalism to a career in activism, and identifies her as “the state director for Nevada’s Voice, a project of the national immigration reform organization America’s Voice.”

America’s Voice is funded by George Soros.

Soros gave $3 million to the Immigrant Voters Win PAC, becoming the PAC’s first and primary donor. That PAC has financed America’s Voice through a six-figure consulting re-imbursement and has also funded the top executives at America’s Voice.

The Free Beacon reported: “The PAC disclosed $135,000 in federal operating expenditures, with much of the money going toward salaries to individuals at America’s Voice, an immigration organization that fights for “A direct, fair, and inclusive road to citizenship for immigrants in the United States without papers.” The PAC also disclosed a six-figure reimbursement to the group.

Matt Hildreth, the political director of America’s Voice, first received payments from the Immigrant Voters Win PAC on June 21. On that day, three transactions marked “salary” are shown to his name in the amounts of $8,541, $8,541, and $10,541.

Frank Sharry, the founder and executive director of America’s Voice, also received three payments from the PAC on June 21. Sharry received payments of $2,165, $2,165, and $6,265 from the PAC, according to the documents.

Lynn Tramonte, the third person from America’s Voice who received a salary from the PAC, is the group’s deputy director and also works as deputy director of America’s Voice Education Fund, whichseeks to “educate the public about immigration policy, specifically to advance immigration reform that values citizenship and integration of immigrants mainstream into society.”

Three payments to Tramonte are shown on June 21 in the amounts of $3,025, $3,025, and $8,025.

America’s Voice also received a $120,000 reimbursement from the Immigrant Voters Win PAC for communications consulting services on June 21.”

Free Beacon passage ends

The Soros links don’t stop there.

“In recent years, AV has received substantial financial support from George Soros‘s Open Society Institute,” reports Discover the Networks, an investigative project of David Horowitz.

Open Society Foundations increased its grant funding to America’s Voice Education Fund in 2017, according to a 2018 Grantmakers Concerned With Immigrants and Refugees document on Open Society Foundations:

“In 2017, OSF U.S. Programs deployed a three-pronged funding effort to support this new strategy. First, it made about half a million dollars in rapid response grants to organizations2 tackling refugee and asylum seeker organizing, advocacy, communications, and coordination in the United States. Second, a grant was renewed to a refugee organizer in a large refugee-receiving state and a new grant was made to support impact litigation on the travel ban announced by the Trump administration.3 Third, several existing grantees received additional support to ensure they had the capacity and resources
to advocate on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers in addition to immigrants.4”

(The “4” footnote in the document shows America’s Voice Education Fund as one of the groups that received a new round of Open Society funding). Here is America’s Voice Education Fund’s web page, hosted on the website for America’s Voice, which shares staff.

America’s Voice also promotes and celebrates George Soros’ work in the area of immigration.

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