South Texas Teacher Removed From Job After Begging President Trump to Stop Illegal Invasion

A teacher from Fort Worth, TX has been put on leave and may lose her job after begging and pleading President Donald Trump to do something about the illegal immigrants laying waste to her town.
A Twitter account attributed to Georgia Clark reportedly sent tweets to President Trump begging him to do something about the invasion that she could see happening at Carter-Riverside High School, which is 87.5 percent Hispanic.
“I do not know what to do. Anything you can do to remove the illegals from Fort Worth would be greatly appreciated. My phone number is [XXX-XXX-XXXX] and my cell is [XXX-XXX-XXXX]. Georgia Clark is my real name. Thank you,” the tweet read.
Her alleged pleas to end the lawlessness in Fort Worth will not go unpunished. Clark was promptly put on paid administrative leave with additional consequences pending.
“The district is reviewing its options,” said Clint Bond, spokesman for the school district.
“Our mission is to prepare ALL students for success in college, career and community leadership. Let me reiterate our commitment that every child in the District is welcome and is to be treated with dignity and respect,” Superintendent Kent P. Scribner said in a statement.
“As we conclude the school year this Friday, please know we take this promise very seriously and your child’s safety and well-being are always our number-one priority,” Scribner added.
Authorities are looking into whether Clark’s alleged behavior violates the district’s policy on electronic speech.
“If an employee’s use of electronic media interferes with the employee’s ability to effectively perform his or her job duties, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment,” the district policy states.
The Supreme Court has ruled that teachers do not forfeit their First Amendment rights by taking the job, but it is apparently left at the discretion of bureaucrats to determine which type of speech is protected.
“…when an employee’s speech does not have First Amendment protection, the employee may receive a reprimand, change of assignment, or even dismissal as a result of speech, in accordance with other law and policy,” stated the Texas Association of School Boards.
The fact that merely advocating for the law of the land to be followed is a grave cause of concern speaks a lot about what America will look like if the third-world invasion is not stopped.
“Mr. President, Fort Worth Independent School district is loaded with illegal students from Mexico. Carter-Riverside High School has been taken over by them. Drug dealers are on our campus and nothing was done to them when the drug dogs found the evidence,” Clark allegedly wrote in a Tweet.
Fort Worth school trustees voted to harbor and shield illegal immigrants in 2017 shortly after President Trump was inaugurated, claiming they would create a “welcoming and safe” atmosphere for illegals.
“As the editor of my college newspaper years ago (Vietnam era), I know there is always another side to the story,” Clark told Newsweek when approached for comment.
The rule of law is not likely to survive if the invasion by third-world economic migrants continues at its current rate, and this concerned teacher may be the next victim of a country turned inside out by illegal immigrants and their Democratic enablers.