Stacey Abrams: We Will Have A Conversation About People Turning Their Guns In Or Buybacks

Stacey Abrams told Jake Tapper on CNN about her bill, which requires gun owners of certain models to turn their guns in. Abrams openly talked about how to “accomplish this goal.”
Will people “turn their guns in” or will there be “buybacks”?
Tapper asked Abrams about her 2016 co-sponsoring of Georgia House Bill 731, and said that Abrams’ co-sponsor made it clear that the bill requires some gun owners “to turn their guns in.”
Here is what Stacey Abrams said.
“And again, my point is this: the legislation introduced was the beginning of a conversation. I am absolutely certain that were we to pass this in Georgia, we would have a conversation about grandfathering in, about whether or not people would turn their guns in, whether there would be buybacks. There are a number of approaches to take to accomplish this goal.”