State of Ohio Issues Directive Banning Hydroxychloroquine for Use as a COVID-19 Treatment

The state of Ohio has issued a directive banning the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to be used as a treatment for COVID-19.

The directive reads as follows (bolded for emphasis):

(A) No prescription for chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine may be dispensed by a
pharmacist or sold at retail by a licensed terminal distributor of dangerous drugs, including
prescriptions for patients residing in Ohio dispensed or sold at retail by nonresident terminal
distributors of dangerous drugs as defined in rule 4729:5-8-01 of the Administrative Code,
unless the prescription bears a written diagnosis code from the prescriber or a statement
indicating its veterinary medical purpose.

(B) Except as provided in paragraph (C) of this rule, prescriptions issued for chloroquine or
hydroxychloroquine for prophylactic use related to COVID-19 or for the treatment of COVID19 are strictly prohibited
unless otherwise approved by the board’s executive director in
consultation with the board president, at which time a resolution shall issue. Upon the
effective date of this rule, all previous approvals for the use of chloroquine or
hydroxychloroquine shall be deemed void and must be approved using the process outlined
in this paragraph.

(C) The prohibition in paragraph (B) of this rule does not apply to prescriptions issued as
part of a documented institutional review board-approved clinical trial to evaluate the safety
and efficacy of the drugs to treat COVID-19. Prescriptions must include documentation that
the patient is enrolled in a clinical trial.

(D) Paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule shall also apply to medication orders and outpatient
prescriptions dispensed by institutional pharmacies as defined in agency 4729 of the
Administrative Code.

This was likely done in response to a video of heroic whistleblowing Front Line Doctors raising awareness of hydroxychloroquine that went viral earlier this week.

Big League Politics has reported on the unprecedented Orwellian censorship conspiracy to stop this information from being disseminated:

President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr., are being censored for sharing information about hydrocloroquine, a popular and effective treatment for the COVID-19 Chinavirus.

The establishment is desperate to censor a video presented by Breitbart of courageous medical doctors holding a press conference giving the facts on how hydrocloroquine can be used to successfully treat COVID-19. Youtube and Facebook have also reportedly blocked the video. The fake news continues to promote the lie that the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 is unproven.

They are ignoring the many anecdotal cases of individuals who have been cured of coronavirus, including a Democrat state representative from Michigan who credits hydroxychloroquine with the miraculous recovery of she and her husband.

“Had you not brought this to the forefront … I wouldn’t be here today even having this conversation with you and being able to talk about the needs of Detroit,” said Rep. Karen Whitsett of Detroit while meeting with President Trump in the White House…

The globalist establishment wants more people to die so they can blame the crisis on Trump. They are pulling out all the stops to boot him from the White House in November.

It is looking like public health officials want more Americans to die so they can get Trump out of office and push vaccine mandates. COVID-19 is morphing from a pandemic into a genocide.

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