Street Artists Target the ‘Barack H. Obama Highway’ to Highlight #Obamagate Scandal

Some right-wing street artists targeted the ‘Barack H. Obama Highway’ to highlight the former president’s role in the illegal spying of Trump.

A group called “The Faction” placed a banner on a highway sign crediting Obama for “illegal wire taps,” “fake dossiers,” and “election insurance.” It also refers to him by his Indonesian alias “Barry Soetoro” and mockingly calls him a private investigator.

According to the District Herald, these street artists describe themselves as a “rogue right-wing street outfit” that is “100% pro-individualism and meritocracy and 100% anti-identity politics.”

Although Obamagate has recently gone viral on Twitter due to the release of explosive court documents, Big League Politics has been reporting about Obama’s intimate involvement in the Russian collusion hoax for years:

Obamagate is real, and the Nunes memo, which has detonated like a bomb in the face of official Washington, forced a reckoning. While evidence of political interference in the intelligence and national security sectors by the Obama administration has piled up relentlessly over the past few weeks, it wasn’t until the infamous memo that those stories became impossible to sweep under the rug, and demanded a response. And, of course, Republicans in particular have wrung their hands over that. “We are shocked, shocked,” many of them intone seriously, “that the Obama administration tried to politicize every inch of their administration.”

Really? You’re shocked? Because I thought the Obama administration’s willingness to play politics with seemingly impartial branches of government was well-established. Granted, the scale of the offense in this case is greater than most previous offenses. Yes, the story of how flagrantly the Obama administration corrupted the intelligence community is impressive for its sheer brazenness, and rightfully deserves the comparisons to Watergate it’s getting. But when it comes to politicizing America’s government infrastructure, we’ve known the Obama administration was this brazen for a while. In fact, when it came to achieving the preferred policy outcomes of their donors, the Obama administration already showed it was perfectly willing to leverage national security years back.

To explain this, let me take you back to 2011, when it emerged that Gen. William Shelton, then the head of Air Force Space Command, had been pressured by the administration to alter testimony before Congress in order to favor the interests of Democratic donor Philip Falcone. Specifically, Shelton was asked to voice support for policies that would have favored Falcone’s then-new company, LightSquared. Shelton refused, and told his story to reporters, who ran it as a tech-oriented coda to the then-developing Solyndra scandal.

As it turned out, Shelton’s decision to blow the whistle was very, very wise, because LightSquared soon became a Solyndra in its own right. You see, after receiving billions in government funding, as well as illegally-granted licenses, from the Obama-era FCC, Lightsquared ended up forced into bankruptcy when multiple other federal agencies had the bad taste to point out that its entire business model not only would fail, but could end up indirectly taking the GPS industry with it thanks to its poorly thought out technological plans. Without getting too far into the weeds, LightSquared’s business model relied on using a particular band of spectrum (essentially, the equivalent of a lane in a highway, but for digital data, not for cars) that GPS companies also used to make their products work. The problem was that what Lightsquared was doing was more or less the equivalent of a drunk driver swerving around the lane, and would’ve eventually caused the digital equivalent of a thirty car pileup. And yet, the Obama administration tried to conscript Air Force Space Command into being an apologist for one of their many sugar daddies. With that kind of disregard for basic prudence, is it any wonder they also thought they could get away with turning intelligence agencies into opposition research arms of the DNC?

President Donald Trump recently announced that he is investigating the investigators.

Obama may not be able to escape justice for much longer after he, not the Rooskies, tried to interfere in America’s democracy.

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