Students for Life Announces They are Sending Vote Counting Monitors to Battleground States Still Processing Ballots

While cowardly Republican establishment politicians and talkin heads are prepared to give up, the pro-life grassroots is redoubling their efforts to secure the election process that has become a national farce.
Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins announced on Friday that teams of pro-life students are heading to places such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania to serve as vote-counting monitors.
“Teams of students are now ready to go to Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania as needed to monitor vote counting and recount efforts, and the GOTV efforts in Georgia will pick back up immediately with door knocking and personal texting as two U.S. Senate races are reconsidered,” the SFL announced in a press release.
Big League Politics has reported on a plethora of troubling abnormalities during the voting process, which has resulted in USPS workers blowing the whistle on the sordid ordeal:
Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe has announced that a Pennsylvania USPS official is willing to testify about the backdating of mail-in ballots…
This could be just the tip of the iceberg. On November 4 Project Veritas released a video of a Michigan postal worker describing orders from his superiors to backdate late mail-in ballots to the November 3 deadline…
A postal worker was also caught at the US/Canadian border in Buffalo with multiple undelivered ballots in his trunk:
“Brandon Wilson, 27, of Buffalo, NY, was arrested and charged by criminal complaint with delay or destruction of mail. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
“This Office is committed not only to ensuring the integrity of the mails but also of individuals’ rights to vote in a free and fair election,” stated U.S. Attorney James Kennedy. “The criminal conduct with which this defendant is alleged to have engaged, undermined both of those interests.”
According to the complaint, on Election Day November 3, 2020, at approximately 7:34 p.m., Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officers encountered Wilson, an employee of the United States Postal Service (USPS), at the Peace Bridge Port of Entry. As part of a standard CBP vehicle sweep, Wilson opened the trunk of his vehicle for CBP Officers. A USPS mail bin containing numerous mail pieces was observed by a CBP officer inside the trunk. CBP officers also observed multiple USPS uniform items bearing the USPS logo along with a USPS identification badge with Wilson’s name. Wilson stated the mail belonged to him and his mother. However, Wilson could not account for additional names printed on the mail pieces. Wilson further stated that he had intended to deliver the mail and had forgotten to return the mail pieces to the post office.”
This fight is not over. There could very well be more postal workers willing to speak out if we continue to expose any potential voter fraud.
Despite the tumultuous election, Hawkins is encouraged about an increase in pro-life voting patterns among the youth.
“What has also been game changing in this election cycle is the transformation of so many young people into passionate pro-life first voters,” she said.
“The Pro-Life Generation is ready and willing to fight for mothers and their children, born and preborn, no matter how long this election lasts. Abortion was on the ballot this week, front and center. All across the country people turned out to stand against radical abortion policies that would force taxpayers to pay for it and people to support it or face the force of law. Long term, life was a winner in this election as the Pro-Life Generation has gained thousands of new leaders and activists across the country,” Hawkins added.
As painful as the aftermath of election day has been, there is still a Christian remnant out there in the country that is willing to fight for what’s right.