SUSPECT: Alleged Portland Antifa Man Who Fractured Victim’s Skull With Metal Pipe Identified on Twitter

Antifa Suspect Identified Skull Fracture

The Internet was horrified by shocking images of Adam Kelly, who had his skull fractured by a metal pipe during the violent protests in Portland over the weekend, and VDARE now believes it has identified the suspect.

After a weekend of violence in Portland that resulted in independent journalist Andy Ngo being hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage and another man, Kelly, left with a fractured skull after being bashed with a metal pipe, the publication VDARE believes it has identified the man who struck Kelly.

VDARE first asked for help in identifying a suspect, who they say committed “attempted murder with a deadly weapon.” In a follow up tweet, VDARE wrote “Suspect Identified: Joseph Christian Evans,” adding “Seen during Portland #Antifa Riot Assaulting Adam Kelly over the head with a metal pipe sending him to the Emergency Room.”

This attack happened during the same event at which Ngo was assaulted.

Big League Politics reported:

“I just got beat up by the crowd,” Ngo said in Periscope video, with cuts and bruises on his face. “No police at all. In the middle of the street – and they stole my GoPro. And they punched me several times in my face and head. I’m bleeding.”

Milkshakes and other materials were also tossed on Ngo during the scuffle.

Finally, what appear to be paramedics showed up to ask Ngo if he was all right. He complained to them about the lack of police presence, but they shrugged off his complaints.

This violent clash resulted in a new spate of interest in Antifa, especially after Antifa members made threats against the Demand Free Speech rally planned for July 6 in Washington, D.C.

Big League Politics reported that the July 6 event was threatened with attack using acid, wax, and balloons, with the person who made the threats on social media revealing his desire to maim and blind attendees.

The threats were made on a popular right wing Telegram channel. A user with the name “POUND ON YOUR BOY” made several threats against the rally, prompting co-organizer Enrique Tarrio to contact the FBI and DHS, who are now planning to provide additional security to the event.

Over the course of about 10 minutes last night, the “POUND ON YOUR BOY” account asked how the D.C. event is “coming along”, and referenced muriatic acid multiple times.

“I just want to toss as many balloons of Muriatic acid in the faces as many Proud Boys I can [sic]”, wrote the user, “I just want to blind as many of you c**k suckers are possible [sic].”

The recent violence resulted in a petition on the White House petition portal, demanding the Department of Homeland Security consider Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.

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