Teachers Crown Transgender Prom King at Massachusetts High School
A Massachusetts high school named a biological female prom king Friday.
“Nicholas Bulman, the Barnstable High School student who came out as transgender last summer, was crowned prom king at the Class of 2019′s celebration Friday night at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis,” according to The Cape Cod Times.
Students did not have the opportunity to vote, according to the report. Instead, teachers chose Bulman from a list of five prom king candidates, and chose the prom queen from a list of five girls. According to the report, the prom queen was a friend on Bulman’s. Both received the traditional crown and sash.
“It was … really awesome,” Bulman reportedly said. “All my friends hugged me and congratulated me.”
One of the teachers, Lyn Vasquez, described the pick as a “no-brainer.”
“He’s just an all-around great person,” she reportedly said. “Teachers at Barnstable High School felt Nick was a great candidate.”
Once again, the transgender agenda pervades the public school system. A few months ago, the president of America’s largest teachers union promoted transgenderism to kindergartners.
Big League Politics reported:
The president of the largest teacher’s union in the country, the National Education Association, read two books promoting transgenderism to a class of kindergartners in Virginia last week.
Lily Eskelen Garcia read from the books I am Jazz and Julian is a Mermaid to the class of young children at Ashlawn Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. She was joined by trans activist Sarah McBride, who spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 2016 in support of transgender ideology.
I am Jazz is a “children’s book” about a “trans child.” Garcia read in detail about the notion of transgenderism to the audience of children, presenting the concept to impressionable children who don’t know any better. The National Education Association tweeted about the event:
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